I don’t know how many times I’ve heard this. But it’s a lot. Someone gives a presentation and says there’ll be time for Q&A at the end. Then they say something like, “And remember…there are no stupid questions.” But there … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
It’s so cool how we have the tools to peek into the microscopic world of chromosomes and DNA. Just think about that for a second. Because some of the most brilliant minds who ever lived on planet Earth were only … Read the rest
A friend of mine is a business coach. And she shows her clients the value of a to do list. Plus, she helps them implement it into their business. And then, she even helps them build a system to automate … Read the rest
Hmm…let’s talk about a big bang. Sounds like fun. Right? I mean who doesn’t like the bang-up sound of a drum? Not Todd Rundgren. In fact, he wrote and sang a song about it back in the 80’s. I don’t … Read the rest
He’s THE good Father. The only good Father. And He’s the foundational reason I can hear music in the morning. So, if He says “the purpose of the commandment is Love,” then so it is. And love is new in … Read the rest
What’s that expression? Everything old is new again. Yeah…I’m gonna have to disagree. Because even as we’re in just the second day of a new year, 2022, the world is still spewing out the same old junk. Hate, willful ignorance, … Read the rest
You and I exist on this planet at the same time. Have you noticed that? We’re both humans. And we both have the exact same needs. Food, water, shelter, clothes, and emotional stability. Hmm…one of those is not like the … Read the rest
Most of the people of the world don’t believe in the one and only God of Christmas. And that’s a hopeless and futile existence. Whether they realize their hopelessness and futility or not. And the God of Christmas is THE one … Read the rest
A few years back I put together a collection of praise and worship songs. And I called the collection, “Raise The Praise.” Great title, right? Anyway, I’ve hardly ever mentioned that group of 12 songs since then. Maybe a couple … Read the rest
Did you ever attend a church where “In The Sweet By and By” was part of the praise and worship time? I did. And I think, if I close my eyes and listen real close, I can almost hear my … Read the rest
OK, for this meeting of Overeaters Anonymous, I’d like to pick up where we left off during the last meeting. And that, of course, is the ever-important issue. Dessert: before or after the meal? And while Albert reads the minutes … Read the rest
I was part of a debate…uh…conversation about whether or not The Flood actually happened. And you know The Flood I refer to, right? The guy who started the debate…uh…conversation said there’s no evidence that a worldwide flood ever happened. But … Read the rest