89. Seems strange to think. But that’s how old my Dad would be, today, if he was still around to celebrate his birthday here on Earth. But if birthdays are still celebrated in Heaven, that’s where he has celebrated the … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
I’m gonna rant and rave. And, although I can’t speak for him (especially since he’s got other things on his mind besides music, these days) I think Buddy Holly would back me up on this. If you’ve never heard of … Read the rest
I’ve known, for a long time, at least somewhere way down inside my soul, that there really aren’t any good guys. But that’s because I discovered the ongoing double standard for what makes a good guy. For example, there’s the … Read the rest
Poetry in motion. “She blinded me with science.” And I’m about to dazzle you with distraction. Yeah, I figure I can mix the magic, media, and metaphors and still be back at the kitchen table in time for breakfast. Kids, … Read the rest
For several years I’ve shared this song on Independence Day (July 4). But I believe it’s even more appropriate for the holiday (HolyDay) Christians, around the world, are about to share. A day that marks what one tortured soul endured … Read the rest
If I’m elected, I’ll do my best to restore whirled peas. And bring hominy to every household. Because, c’mon people. Can’t we all just get along? After all, we’re one race. So, that’s a great starting point. And speaking of … Read the rest
There’s more to life than stuff. OK. There. I said it. And I defy you (or anyone) to prove me wrong. Because you can’t. Yeah, there’s more to life than fixins. Fixins are just a Southern way of sayin’ stuff. … Read the rest
In 1992 I wrote a song called “Say Yeah!”. It’s about how the United States (and the rest of the world) was headed toward self-destruction. And in the 31 years since, things got worse. Not better. And I’ll quote myself from … Read the rest
It’s March 17, 2023 as I write this. So, here’s an Irish toast for ya. “May your day be touched by a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart and warmed by the smiles of the … Read the rest
Time marches on. And Worm Moon 2023 is a deLIGHTful example of it. Yeah, you read that right. Worm Moon 2023 is a real thing. And it’s gonna happen starting tomorrow, as I write this. It’s the last full moon … Read the rest