Be aware. Be very aware. At all times. And in all places. Especially if you’re a female, a child, or a weakened old person. Because you best believe there are scumbags out there who are aware of who’s not aware. … Read the rest
Category Archives: Wisdom
A while back I shared some hillbilly ideology I found online. And it got some funny additional comments and feedback. Recently somebody asked if I would share it again. So, yeah, I’m glad to oblige. And the picture that went … Read the rest
Sinless perfection. Man, did I ever miss that mark?! And I’ve got the lines in my face and gray/silver/white hair to prove it. Yep, I’ve lived long enough to see the killing effects of sin. But I’ve also lived long … Read the rest
It’s so cool how fast little kids learn to talk. You’re so young when you start talking that your parents have to tell you about your first words. My mom told me I spoke way before I was a year … Read the rest
Teaching methods matter. Because spongy little minds soak up what they’re taught depending how it’s taught. At least that’s how Charlotte described it. I never heard of Charlotte, or her teaching methods, before today. And that’s probably because we didn’t … Read the rest
I’m not kidding you right now. This is what they said. “The Bone Bow is a Light Bow found in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion.” But the news about the Bone Bow doesn’t stop there. Here’s some more … Read the rest
You can go your own way. And you can call it another lonely day. You can go your own way. And if you’re a Fleetwood Mac fan or even if you’re not, but you’ve heard their music, you probably recognize … Read the rest
If you knew the path of life led to joy and pleasures, would you take it? Imagine a path you can walk on where you’ll always be happy…not just happy, but full of joy. And imagine a path where pleasures … Read the rest