I’m reminded of a sound bite from a presidential debate between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. Carter presented what he thought was a good case against then Governor Reagan’s position on Medicare. And when Carter finished, Reagan started his counterpoint … Read the rest
Category Archives: Truth Bombs
Apparently a lot of people go online to find out what can cause stress. And that makes sense. Because a lot of people (if not most) are stressed out. But I seriously don’t think you need to ask Google or … Read the rest
We haven’t watched TV, in our house, for about 7 years now. So, I’m not usually “up” on the latest propaganda…uh “news headlines.” But people I trust are willing to take one for the team. And they watch the “news” … Read the rest
About 10 years ago I shared a short “test” to help people wrap their minds around the concept of absolute truth. And it’s so much more than a concept. But take the test. Send me your answers. And I don’t … Read the rest
On May 3, back in 1968, the Beach Boys got “spiritual” and it didn’t go well. They started a US tour with a weird (they didn’t think so, but he was) opening act. And the reaction to Maharishi Mahesh (can … Read the rest
It’s more than a little ironic. Most of the world has been forced into submission with the threat of an invisible, tiny virus. And the irony is, it illustrates how much fear is contagious. Way more than the virus could … Read the rest
246 years ago, this month, some guys with a British accent figured they’d bully some Americans around. But things didn’t go quite according to their plan. Because a knight in shining armor foiled their plans. And, of course, I’m being … Read the rest
I don’t believe I have an obsessive personality. And I don’t think I “suffer” from some sort of obsessive compulsive behavior. But I admit I’ve spent a significant amount of time pondering a numerical curiosity. And it appears the number … Read the rest
Almost 20 years ago (and it seems like last week) I wrote about the sad state of truth in this world. And what’s even sadder is…my song is even more apropos now. Real Truth is eternal. But in the here … Read the rest
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” If you’re a principled person, or if you’re someone who knows the difference between good and evil, you’ve probably heard that quote by Edmund Burke. … Read the rest
Older and wiser. They should go together like sourdough bread and grass fed butter. But they don’t always. Especially in town of Ignoraville, on Mount Wealthscape, in the land of Rebelaphant. Sadly, most of the residents of Rebelephant aren’t older … Read the rest
I get regular emails from a guy who knows a thing or two about emails. And he often mentions another guy who the FBI describes as the most feared negotiator. So you’d probably want that guy on your team if … Read the rest