It’s larynx. Not lairnix. Or larenix. Or however one would have to misspell that mispronunciation. But we don’t have to get all wrangled up and out of joint about it. We can just call it a voice box. And I … Read the rest
Category Archives: Tony Funderburk
What is your brand here on good ol’ planet Earth? You have one. So, what’s yours? I remember an article I read about business brands. It mentioned how you should seriously consider branding yourself. Because, the article said, if you … Read the rest
You know that Paul was an apostle. Even if you’re not “into” Bible stuff, you’ve heard of him. But you might not think about how tough he was. I mean, this was a guy who was beaten, tossed into prison, … Read the rest
It’s probably juxta-me, but I get a kick out of the word “juxtaposition.” Not for what it means. But for how it jumps out of your mouth when you speak it out loud. It demands to be heard. And you … Read the rest
This message might not be for you at all. Because you might be the picture of perkiness. And you have no concerns at all about your holiday health. Or any other time of the year either. If so, fantastic. Share … Read the rest
I like this famous quote from Yogi Berra (a famous Yankee ball player). His answer to one of the questions journalists tossed at him was, “It’s like deja vu all over again.” And I thought of that, yesterday, after seeing … Read the rest
He and I are connected on the social media channel, X. The “he,” of which I speak, is Bryan Duncan. And, for those of you who aren’t aware (or just don’t care) X is the platform that used to be … Read the rest
Here’s a snippet of one of those songwriter stories I get a big kick out of. It’s about Cindy Walker. What?! You never heard of her? Somebody oughta bing your noggin. Check this out. In 1940, Cindy Walker, at the … Read the rest
I remember taking the Boy Scout oath way, way back in the 20th century. It’s kinda like the oath of office you’ll see Trump take in January. It was the one that started out with “on my honor.” It’s WAY … Read the rest
The vast majority of American people sure have a lot of socialist beliefs. And the saddest part of that claim is that most of them would argue that it’s just not true. I’m not gonna say that Wikipedia is a … Read the rest
Have you ever heard about a book that wrote itself? Or a website, with tons of pages, that just suddenly popped into existence all by itself? Yeah, no. You haven’t. And we can take that up a few trillion notches. … Read the rest