For a long time I sang for my supper. And breakfast, lunch, and snacks. And I sang for my monthly bills, my gasoline consumption, and even my cool clothes. When you can pay your way as a musician, do you … Read the rest
Category Archives: Tony Funderburk
Whoa! The strawberry alarm clock just went off. And it’s a good thing, too. Because now the song “Incense and Peppermints” is wafting through the air. Psychedelic, man. We gotta get outta this place. If it’s the last thing we … Read the rest
Let’s ask the judges for a definition before we proceed. “1: lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation, AND 2: lack of self-restraint” OK. There you have it. The very definition of why there’s an incontinence choice problem right … Read the rest
Do you envy people when it seems like they have a lot more than you? Well, guess what? No, I won’t make you guess. Actually, they might not have more than you. In fact, they might have much less, and … Read the rest
I just saw an article snippet and a short video about something that hit close to home for me. And the saddest part is how people only recently felt it was safe to tell someone about what they knew. Here’s … Read the rest
Imagine that you could speak words and a planet would appear. Then you speak more words and the sun and moon pop in. Then, a few more words and all the birds, dinosaurs, fishes, horses, dogs, lions, and every other … Read the rest
“Survey says?!” Remember that question on Family Feud? Apparently that show is still on TV. But I haven’t watched it in decades, so I can’t say. But the reason I bring it up is because of the whole “survey says” … Read the rest
My brother and I had a two-week booking in Erie, Pennsylvania. And we had just arrived. We unloaded our music gear and clothes and took them into the hotel. But I left a few boxes and assorted items in the … Read the rest
It didn’t just start this year. Or anytime during the “pandemic.” In fact, Elgielene and I have noticed this, for a long time, during our walks through scores of neighborhoods across the country. Generally speaking, kids don’t play outside now. … Read the rest
I’ve seen some quotes, from professors to poets, who put today’s solar eclipse in its proper perspective. In one way or another they say what’ll happen is you’ll be “standing the shadow of the moon.” Sure, some interesting things can … Read the rest