How’s your cognitive function? The blank slate. Einstein’s static universe. The planet Vulcan. Evolution. What do all these have in common? They’re all famous theories that have been debunked. And another one, maybe not quite as famous, might be debunked, … Read the rest
Category Archives: sound healing
Every good boy does fine. Well… Not really. But if you ever studied music and how to remember the notes in a musical staff, you probably know what I’m talking about. Look at musical staff paper. And you’ll see it … Read the rest
Do music communications have to be complicated? So, this young woman wrote about the differences between a music therapist and a “glorified performer.” That was in the headline, so her bias showed from the very beginning. And there’s nothing wrong … Read the rest
Is there such a thing as music immunity? It sort of depends on your definition of music immunity. But there appears to be quite a bit of significant research that backs up how beneficial it is to listen to and … Read the rest
Human connection can be a healthy thing But human connection isn’t always healthy. Especially if and when it takes you away from logic and reason. I’ve been studying the potential healing effects of music, lately. And unfortunately I see too … Read the rest
Ever thought about what healing sounds like? “What healing sounds like? Don’t you mean what it LOOKS like, Tony?” Nope. I’m not into looks, when it comes to healing. Because healthy people don’t always look healthy. And sick people don’t … Read the rest
Is Vibrational Sound Therapy Good For You? A sister-in-law of mine (I have 6 of them) is dealing with some serious cancer issues right this minute. She’s in a hospital, here in Colorado Springs. And she’s already gone through an … Read the rest
Have you ever heard symphony number 9? But not just any symphony number 9. I’m talking, of course, about the one by Beethoven. My favorite composer. And this symphony is one of my favorites of his. “But what’s the big … Read the rest