Maybe he’s visited you in the middle of the night. Or the wee hours of the morning before the sun even starts to wake up. I hope not. Because he’s one of the darkest, meanest, sneakiest bad guys you’ll ever … Read the rest
Category Archives: short stories
She just wanted to grab a few things at the grocery store. But after she paid for the groceries, she went out the store’s front door and was hit in the face with a gust of wind filled with snow. … Read the rest
Be aware. Be very aware. At all times. And in all places. Especially if you’re a female, a child, or a weakened old person. Because you best believe there are scumbags out there who are aware of who’s not aware. … Read the rest
Way back in the 20th century, in a little Kansas town, of barely 1500 people, T-bud enjoyed summertime. In fact, he didn’t just enjoy it, he could barely wait for it every year. Yeah, you’d have a hard time finding … Read the rest
There are lots of bad guys (and that includes the female part of “guys” too) out there everyday. You can’t swing a metal jump rope without hittin’ at least one. In fact, I could tell you a story, three stories … Read the rest
Maybe you think of “A Christmas Story” when I share the term, BB gun. Or maybe you remember wanting one yourself once upon a time. Hopefully you’re not a scaredy cat who’s triggered (pun definitely intended) by any use of … Read the rest