As I write this, it’s quickly turning into a Friday night out there in the big, bad world. And once again I’ll be stayin’ in. No bar-hoppin’ or country-clubbin’ or dive-dippin’ again this week. So, here I sit. All I … Read the rest
Category Archives: Romans
Today, America is a messed up vision. A shadow of its former somewhat shadowy self. Because right and wrong is a concept blurred by propaganda. And good and bad are now in the “eye of the beholder.” So, those who … Read the rest
OK, so I’m gonna preach a little bit. So, if you’d rather not subject yourself to that, fair warning. Close your eyes, ears, email, or computer and move on. If you’re still here, here I go. You’ve seen ’em. On … Read the rest
It isn’t difficult to stir up emotional opposing opinions when it comes to talking about God. And I got another example of this, recently, from a woman who didn’t like my post about Katharine Hepburn. Her comments were filled with … Read the rest
Way back in 1976 there was a popular band, from Sweden, who enjoyed something most musicians might only dream about. On December 3, of that year, somewhere around three and a half million people applied to get tickets to one … Read the rest
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to be wicked? And how difficult it is to be moral and righteous? And you’ve probably felt anything BUT overflowing joy when it comes to current events. Right? Yeah, it’s just so … Read the rest
Ah, yes. Diversity, equity, and unabashed tolerance. That’s what you get when you mix a whole lotta different kinds of people together in one place. Right? And you just better brace yourself for gobs of group hugs, too. Because peace, … Read the rest
I had my eyes examined (no, not my head) a couple of weeks ago. And this week I got my new glasses. Plus, this is my 2020th post here on So, those two things, and a couple of other … Read the rest
Wahoo McDaniel. Fritz von Erich. The Funk Brothers. These might not be household names to you. But back in the late 60’s, into the first couple years of the 70’s, they were known at my Dad’s house. Because they were … Read the rest
You and I should cling to what is good. Not because it’s some kind of law. But because there’s much benefit to it. Sometimes eternal benefits. But you can’t do it. And I can’t either. We just can’t do it. … Read the rest