In 1975 I worked in a disco. Just writing those words sounds crazy to me now. But it’s true. At that time, disco music was big. And if you don’t know what disco was, then you might be too young … Read the rest
Category Archives: road stories
Way back in ’92-’93 I made the songwriters-in-the-round circuit in Nashville. Yeah, the one in Tennessee. And about 10 years ago, I shared a quick story about one of those nights when I sang a roses song. This is how … Read the rest
In case you missed it, I talked about Elton John’s album, Honky Chateau, in my last post. And I mentioned how it was such an entertaining part of one of my early road trips. Well, a reader (and good friend), … Read the rest
At the end of the summer, in 1972, I drove my ’65 Plymouth Fury back to Texas from Kansas. And a lot of the drive was on highways 69 and 75 through Kansas, into Oklahoma, and then from Tulsa, Oklahoma … Read the rest
Back in the late 90’s I started a fairly long run of playing music in the casinos in the mountains outside the Denver metro area. And it was weird playing for crowds who mostly ignored me. But the money was … Read the rest
31 years ago, today, a beautiful, petite, slender, tan woman said one word that changed my life. Of course, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what that word was. But I’ll share it anyway. The word was “What?!” … Read the rest
At some point of the year in 1990 or 91, my wife and I lived in Tulsa Time for a couple of weeks. Tulsa, Oklahoma to be exact. And that’s because I was booked in a snazzy hotel to provide … Read the rest
When I first started passionately pursuing music, I was in junior high. And my love for music went supernova while I was in high school. But it took a few years after high school before I started to think I … Read the rest
In the early eighties I shared a townhome, in Houston, Texas, with my buddy, Jack. And it was a nice, secluded spot on the West side of the city suburbs. Jack worked days, and I worked nights. So, we typically … Read the rest
In 1982 I played a couple of times, for about a month each time, at a once famous barbecue restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. It was just me and my Helpinstill Roadmaster piano, my microphone, and a small sound system. And … Read the rest
I just read a funny and coincidental story about a band named Johnny and the Moondogs. And I know you’ll get a kick out of this when I share the whole thing. Because it’ll give you some ammo for making … Read the rest
I got a real nice note, in the mail, from my cousin, Becky. She lives in Texas. And she was here in Colorado, with her family, a couple of months ago. But we didn’t get together because she thought I … Read the rest