She just wanted to grab a few things at the grocery store. But after she paid for the groceries, she went out the store’s front door and was hit in the face with a gust of wind filled with snow. … Read the rest
Category Archives: road stories
Let’s climb into my time travel ship and zoom way, way back to 1964. And let’s fly over the hilly countryside of Eastern Kansas. Look way down there. See those two little ants? Wait. Let’s fly down a little lower. … Read the rest
35 years ago, today. That’s when my beautiful Elgielene became my wife. We zoomed up high in the Denver, Colorado skyline (for real) and shared our vows to stay together through come-what-may. Then, lo and behold, we’ve done it. And … Read the rest
I wrote a song about freedom. And it was a very me biased perspective. You probably can’t or won’t relate to the words at all when you read ’em. The main reason is, well, you’re not me. And that’s a … Read the rest
Have you heard any of those marketers who talk about working on your laptop on a beach? Of course, that’s just so much hype and silliness. I’m not saying it can’t be done. But most hard-working entrepreneurs don’t live that … Read the rest
If you’re a fan, you might remember Cyndi Lauper singing “All Through The Night.” I don’t know how high it made it on the charts. But I know it was one of her hits. Here’s the chorus: We have no … Read the rest
I’ve always had a place I could go when I needed to drown out the noise of the world. Music. And when I was 22, I bought a piano. Not just a another electronic keyboard. Nope. An actual, upright piano. … Read the rest
He built a small log cabin on the bank of a small creek, in Kansas, in the early 1830s. Then, the U.S. government built some other lodges in the area. And one of those lodges was for Tonganoxie. But who … Read the rest
It has been a wonderful day. Elgielene and I started this marriage journey 34 years ago, today. And we were able to enjoy some simple things we love in some new places. Plus, it was particularly special because it’s Friday. … Read the rest
The second best gift God created inside me is music. It’s been a constant companion. Even through the years when I had no human constant companion. It’s been a reminder that I’m “wonderfully made.” Music brings me internal and inexplicable … Read the rest
I’m writing to you from the heart of the nation, now. Our respiratory experiment, on the Gulf coast, is finished. And I know the high level of humidity, there, was not the solution. So, after leaving the arid climate of … Read the rest
It was a cold day in February. I was “on the road.” And, believe it or not, bad things were going on in the world. Yeah, I know. With all the world peace we enjoy these days, that’s difficult to … Read the rest