Perilous times will come A guy, named Paul, wrote a letter, almost 2000 years ago, to another guy, named Timothy. And in one of the lines he said, “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:” … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
Life in this topsy turvy world I wish the good people I know had all the great successes in life. And I wish the people who thumb their noses at God were the most miserable failures in the world. Yeah, … Read the rest
You came from the heart of God I’m sure there are a lot of people who couldn’t care less about the heart of God. After all, they don’t even believe He exists. Much less has a heart. And on a … Read the rest
Walk Stand Sit When I was 13 years old, I prayed with my Grandmother and chose eternal life with God. And from that moment on, my life has been one perfect day after another. That’s how it is when you … Read the rest
Invisible Song Machines My songs are beginning to fade away. No, they’re not going away. Just fading away. I’m taking them out of the invisible song machines. And I’m putting them back into physical places. Places where they can be … Read the rest
Music makes me happy. How ’bout you? Like the picture says, I promise this ain’t gonna be sappy. But it’s true. Music makes me happy. I don’t mean it forces me to be happy. And I don’t mean ALL music. … Read the rest
It matters who you’re faithful and true to. I know my 10th grade English teacher would correct me on that sentence. But I said it that way to make a point. Of course, it’s just good sense to be faithful … Read the rest
I found Saturday blessings in a cup today. When I was a young boy, Saturday blessings happened every week. That’s because it was the first day of the weekend away from prison…I mean…school. I don’t know about you, but there was … Read the rest
The sad demise of Saturday morning cartoons Have you noticed how Saturday morning cartoons got pushed aside for more “educational” and “financially viable” programs? Even before the cartoons disappeared they weren’t funny and fun anymore. I understand that TV stations … Read the rest
Do you see any work in this work of art? Sometimes a work of art emerges from an artist who never intended it to be that way. Sometimes an artist works his fingers to the bones (so to speak), creating … Read the rest
All of creation… that pretty much includes everything created… tells us something There’s a place in the Bible where the Apostle Paul talks about how “the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs.” He’s not talking about a mom … Read the rest
Security in Wisdom – What’s it all about? I’m sure I don’t have to tell you it’s a mean and dangerous world. And I know I don’t need to tell you to protect yourself. But maybe you don’t realize the … Read the rest