Letter by Letter – Line By Line Anything you do in life can’t be done all at once. At least not anything worth doing. You can’t even breathe all at once. There’s an inhale and an exhale. And I could … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
Who’s afraid of Old Man Winter? As I write this, it’s the third day of February in the year 2020. Yesterday was almost warm enough to be part of early summer. But, according to all the weather forecasts I see, … Read the rest
Hang on to the will to carry on Way, way back in about 1975 I was just getting started writing lyrics more than poems. And I also worked in a disco. Yes, a disco. As a bartender and floorwalker. (Remind … Read the rest
Surely you realize time is of the essence. I looked up the usage and/or meaning of the phrase: time is of the essence. And oddly enough, it’s most common usage is in English and Canadian law. Of course, my right … Read the rest
“Where is he Doc?” “Somewhere between dreams and reality.” I’m sure you’ve watched at least a movie or two where the main star struggles with issues of sanity. It’s a pretty common theme in mystery, sci-fi, and horror movies. And … Read the rest
Grasping for the wind Have you ever tried to grab yourself a good handful of wind? Simple. Right? Yeah, hardly. OK, now imagine you’ve literally been given the keys to the kingdom. In fact, you’ve been made the king (or … Read the rest
A sleepy-eyed bon fide wee hours wanderer At 2:45 this morning I bumbled out of bed, as I do most every morning, and made my way into the kitchen. An issue I’ve been dealing with, for the past couple of … Read the rest
Since talk is cheap, I’m goin’ back to sleep It’s the wee hours of the morning. So, if I can’t make sense of this, I’m going back to sleep. Unless you’re a recent public school graduate, you probably know what … Read the rest
Hmm…there’s nothing new to say today Imagine a king from a far away land. From a distant time in the past. A king who had more riches than anyone. And literally lacked for nothing. But none of it was enough. … Read the rest
This isn’t about a sea of blue I’ve had quite a few listeners and readers ask me to consider sharing more of my “old”writings and music. And that’s pretty cool. So, thank you for asking. And the old poem, I’m … Read the rest
Don’t give it all you got Cue up the Rocky theme music. Zoom the camera in on Rocky running through the backstreets of Philadelphia. Build up the music as he runs up those stairs. Feel the excitement as he reaches … Read the rest
Starshine in Iris Forty-five years ago. It’s not possible. But it’s true. The year, 1975, was forty-five years ago. It was a significant year for me for several reasons. A few small. A few large. And I was still in … Read the rest