Outside the box and inside the lines They tell you to think outside the box. But then they say you should stay inside the lines of a proven system. Oh, what’s a human to do? And who’s right? The outsiders … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
OK, here’s your Tuesday morning motivation First, with a show of hands, how many of you even need some Tuesday morning motivation? How about afternoon? Or evening? Well, that’s too bad. I ain’t got none for you. Aw, just kidding. … Read the rest
Celebrating International Women’s Day I’ve been a staunch supporter of the rights of women my entire adult life. No, I’m not a so-called “activist”. That just sounds silly to me. Because if you need to set aside one day and … Read the rest
OK, kids. Let’s talk about the Pythagorean Theorem. It actually sounds more complicated than it is. And writing it down certainly makes it look simple. a2 + b2 = c2 But that looks almost a little too simple. After all, it’s … Read the rest
Ah, the color of music notes The only reason I’m writing about the color of music notes, today, is because I feel like it. There’s no underlying or hidden message. And I’m not trying to get you to do, say, … Read the rest
Beware of my brain manipulation superpower Hide your kids. Or at least cover their ears. Unless you’re willing to let them be controlled by my brain manipulation superpower. I’m able to activate their different brain lobes all at the same … Read the rest
Do you trust your gut? And should you trust your gut? Look around the world wide web and you’ll find articles on all sides of that. One says, yes. Another says, no. Others say it’s psychological. And still others say … Read the rest
Alone in the universe It sounds so sad. Right? We’re all alone in the universe. Just saying the words brings on anxiety, depression, and a deep, drowning sense of dread. Hit the record scratch sound effect. Not me! I’ve never … Read the rest
Guacamole Song I’m singin’ the guacamole song today. Because we bought a batch of avocados, and every one of them were excellent. If you don’t like avocados, or especially if you don’t like guacamole, I have to wonder about you. … Read the rest
I bet you have personal hopes and dreams Unless you live under a tyrannical government, in slavery, you’re probably pursuing your hopes and dreams. And I hope yours are not totally self-centered. In other words, I hope you’re looking for … Read the rest
It’s time to scatter a little space, time, and matter I haven’t talked about this in a little while. And I love this topic. So, I wanna share a little tidbit about space, time, and matter. I know. Not a … Read the rest
The last word is most remembered In a heated argument, it often seems like everyone wants to be the one to get in the last word. Sometimes it’s because they really DO have the most important thing to say. But … Read the rest