Only twenty seven days left And for those of you not keeping track, I’m talking about twenty seven days of summer. After that comes my favorite season of the year. Autumn. “Gee, Tony. What’s so special about twenty seven … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
By the light blue sky In the wee hours, those hours when most people are still asleep, sometimes my thoughts toss me phrases. And I think it’s my subconscious watching to see what I’ll do with them. If I’m awake … Read the rest
It’s a new day So what! Big deal. A new day comes around every twenty-four hours. So, what makes this one any more special than all the others? And why do so many people try to pump you up with … Read the rest
Why do I write rhymes for you? Well, first off…maybe I don’t. After all, you might not like my style of writing. Or rhyming. And you almost certainly won’t like what I write about. At least not all (or most) … Read the rest
What good are dreams written down? Before I go any further, I’m not talking about your dreams for how you’d like your life to go. Of course, it’s a good idea to write those down. And, in fact, it’s just … Read the rest
Fear free? Uh…no You’ve probably seen those t-shirts, or caps, or bumper stickers. Right? The ones that say “No Fear” Sure, while it might sound macho, tough, or cool (or should I say, dope and sick?) it’s actually kinda stupid. … Read the rest
Are you a worry wart? My mom is 82. She lives in eastern Kansas. And we talk a couple of times a week, by phone. By her own admission, she’s a worry wart. For those of you too young to … Read the rest
“Dad, are we there yet?” Oh yeah. The dreaded (and yet predictable) are we there yet question. Maybe you remember, as a kid, how you or a brother or sister would get bored on a long family trip. And inevitably … Read the rest
Fire and brimstone Yeah, we’re already getting close to April. And that means those April showers that bring May flowers. Of course, that leads to Memorial Day and backyard barbecues. Wanna try something a little different this year? How about … Read the rest
Here’s a little Wednesday encouragement If it’s Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, just ignore this message. Because this is specially designed Wednesday encouragement. I won’t be responsible for results you get by attempting to use it on those … Read the rest
You don’t have a lizard brain No reptilian brain. Or paleomammalian brain. And certainly no neomammalian brain. (Hey, maybe that’s where they got the Neo character in The Matrix…no, I don’t think so.) Before I go any further, I gotta … Read the rest
Make hay while the sun shines It’s an old saying. But it’s still true. “Make hay while the sun shines” means to make the best of opportunity while it lasts. But these days there are huge amounts of doomsdayers and … Read the rest