I read a headline, somewhere online today, that said Wikipedia has become another leftist so-called “source of information.” What?! I’m totally aghast. And in mind-blown shock. Not. And then, as fate, destiny, and kismet would have it, I saw a … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
OK. I’m gonna give you the keys to self-empowerment today. And they’re found in these four words. Forgive everyone for everything. Do that, and you’ll be a god. But… Forgive everyone for everything and you won’t be like God. Because, … Read the rest
Liberty and justice for all. Remember those words? Yeah, they seem vaguely familiar. Oh yeah, I remember now. Aren’t they the last words in the American Pledge of Allegiance. But who is this “ALL” they’re talking about? Liberty and … Read the rest
I’ve seen it described as “a geometric drawing device that produces mathematical roulette curves of the variety technically known as hypotrochoids and epitrochoids.” And since that sounds too simple for most people, maybe you’d prefer the description in their commercials … Read the rest
They might not be household names you’ve ever heard. But if you’ve lived more than a couple of decades, you’ve probably heard them. And is it just me, or do those old Motown songs still make you wanna dance, too? … Read the rest
Just because it’s already been done doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do it. And maybe you could even do it better. “It” isn’t the same thing for everybody. But “it”, for me, is music. So, I love to hear … Read the rest
Georgia seems to be on a lot of people’s minds right now. And by coincidence and chance, the song “Georgia On My Mind” (sung by the incomparable Ray Charles) went to number 1 on the charts on this day (November … Read the rest
I just read a funny and coincidental story about a band named Johnny and the Moondogs. And I know you’ll get a kick out of this when I share the whole thing. Because it’ll give you some ammo for making … Read the rest
Happy Friday the 13th. And it’s another lucky day (in a long line of lucky days) for me. Because I get to just sit back, watch all the amazing sporting events on TV, drink lots of beer, and toast the … Read the rest
Way, way back in the twentieth century, I attended college in the rural countryside of Kansas. And have you ever watched the episode of The Waltons where John boy finally got to go to college? Well, watching him is practically … Read the rest
As I started typing, at 3:30 this morning, I wasn’t sure what I would say. It was another physically challenging night. But I know how writing almost always revives my brain and keeps me going. So, I opened the computer, … Read the rest
A quick scan of my weather app confirms what the calendar shows. September is here. And I see, in the next ten days, highs projected to be in mostly the 70’s, with some 60’s. And even one day shows a … Read the rest