I scheduled myself to share this with you yesterday. Because the so-called “holiday” is supposed to be September 1. And obviously today is September 2. Well, it’s obvious to me. You might be reading this on another day. Anyway, I … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
Stress and anxiety. Ho-hum, no pro-blum. Right? So life’s a little stressful. And who cares about anxiety? You and I just sing in the face of such things. Like this… In case you can’t see the video copy and paste … Read the rest
My love for letters and words began long before my first day of school. Many of my earliest memories are of my Grandmother and my Mom reading stories and the Sunday “funnies” to me. And I think the word pictures … Read the rest
OK, so I’m gonna preach a little bit. So, if you’d rather not subject yourself to that, fair warning. Close your eyes, ears, email, or computer and move on. If you’re still here, here I go. You’ve seen ’em. On … Read the rest
Check this out about the moon and sun. The sun is 400 times larger than the moon. And it’s 400 times further away. What an amazing and happy coincidence that is. It’s practically ecliptic is what it is. No, seriously. … Read the rest
Calculus, geometry, and trigonometry are almost impossible if you don’t first get some foundational training in basic math. And the same is true in just about every aspect of life. Because if you ain’t got the basics, you’re gonna struggle … Read the rest
I read some clips from articles that talked about what a man wants in a wife. If you’re a happily married man, you probably already know that the consistent top answer is “a woman who is faithful to you.” Right? … Read the rest
You can’t keep it all to yourself. In fact, if you think you can, it’s probably not in you anyway. Nope. If you want it to flourish, you’ve gotta give love away. I read this great quote from C.S. Lewis. … Read the rest
“Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.” I love that quote, with the little twist. Because there’s more than just a little ring of truth to it. Yeah bright beginnings don’t always … Read the rest
Dreamers are waiting for good things to happen that might never happen. Because the world, as we know it, could end at any moment. So, keep this in mind. You’re a wonderful design, a unique creation of God. And you’re … Read the rest
This might be breaking news to some. But there are differences in opinions for why you can see fossil gaps in the strata around the world. Yeah, I’m not sure why someone would disagree with the idea that those gaps … Read the rest
According to search engines, a significant amount of people look for a brainpower definition online. And the online Merriam-Webster dictionary defines brainpower like this: 1. intellectual ability 2. people with developed intellectual ability Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty … Read the rest