Even if this video I’m sharing with you didn’t have subtitles, I’m sure you’d pick up on the powerful love this Thai woman has for her family. Keep in mind, this video is a commercial. From a lingerie company. Yeah, … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
How much grass have you eaten lately. NO, I didn’t ask how much you smoked, you knucklehead. And I’m not an advocate of grazing out in your yard. But I bring it up because there are apparently some chlorophyll benefits … Read the rest
I just want you to know I’m wishing you all the best today. Because I know you’re going through a lot. And I know it can sometimes feel like you’re being tested every day. So, yeah. I’m wishing you all … Read the rest
If I talked to carnations, or lilacs, or even lilies of the valley (and I don’t, in spite of what you might’ve heard), I’d probably say something clever like, “You must’ve been scent from above.” And that’s because there’s nothing … Read the rest
Just so you know, right up front, I don’t believe humans turn into angels when they die. Because angels are not the same kind of creation. And they’re already created. And they’ll always BE angels. You and I are already … Read the rest
Nine years ago I wrote that we live in “particularly dangerous times.” And I’m happy to report that the worst has blown over and you’re safe once again. Go back to your daily routine without worry. And without fear. But … Read the rest
Remember those AT&T commercials where a man sat at a small table and asked some kids if doing two things is better than doing one. Then, he watched the kids and their reactions. And their funny comments and movements. And … Read the rest
I’ve seen and heard so many wackadoos talk about the “trans community” as if the rest of the world is supposed to accept them as a “normal” thing. Or they call on each other to stand up for the “trans … Read the rest
Imagine you’re a 5 year old girl. No, you’re NOT a trans freak 5 year old girl. An actual 5 year old girl. And imagine a doctor tells your parents you have sickle-cell anemia. Then, by age 11, you get … Read the rest
Many years ago I called on singer-songwriters, particularly those who call themselves Christians, to embrace the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb. And, sadly, that idea didn’t catch on all that well. Evidently pro life ideas don’t … Read the rest
Morning, afternoon, and evening salutations. And hope you have/had a wonderful Germanic god of the sky and war day. Yep, here we are on Tiu’s day again (the aforementioned god of the sky and war dude). It’s around 4 o’clock, … Read the rest
The number 8 is said to represent new beginnings. And I could share some interesting Bible stuff to emphasize how that could be true. But YOU might be somebody who isn’t impressed with “Bible stuff,” even when there’s some mighty … Read the rest