Unless you’ve got your hands over your eyes and ears you know there’s a lotta trouble in this world. It’s worse than I’ve ever seen it. But there’s been massive trouble on this planet my whole life. And it was … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
Listen closely (or is that crohsry?), grasshopper (or is that glasshopper?). You are now entrusted with carrying on the most honorable tradition of the Myelin Sheath. Just kidding. Bet I had you goin’ there, for a second. Right? So solly. … Read the rest
I’ve been absent from my writings for a few days. But I have a doctor’s note. So you can’t get mad at me or anything. Seriously. I could show you the info. But I’m sure you don’t need all the … Read the rest
Back in 2013 (hard to believe that’s already ten years ago) I challenged myself to write rhymes for kids 100 days in a row. And I met that challenge. I received a lot of positive feedback for most of the … Read the rest
Ok, I’m gonna talk about mosaic art. And I’m not gonna talk about Mosaic law. So, you don’t have to be nervous that I’m gonna somehow tie these two subjects together. But first, what is mosaic art? Well, most art … Read the rest
A guy named John had a revelation. And not your average, everyday, ordinary revelation. This was THE revelation to beat all revelations. And some say it’s all gonna come true. Personally, I believe there’s an extremely good chance they’re right. … Read the rest
What has the potential for too much air noise along with serious temperature and humidity problems? You guessed it! Tiny zones. And who hasn’t awaken from a nightmare filled with those? Right? Tiny zones are like pushing 10 pounds of … Read the rest
The article started out with a picture that included this title: “An artist’s illustration traces the long, cosmic path of a fast radio burst that originated in distant galaxies and reached Earth 8 billion years later.” So, right from the … Read the rest
Phrases. Short sentences. Sound bites. You don’t have to make hour-long speeches to discover how truth is hate to those who hate the Truth. And, YES, people DO hate the Truth. Especially the absolute kind. And truth is hate, to … Read the rest
Apparently it all started in a “gentleman’s club.” So, as you might expect, there is some controversy involved. Wait. What was that? You think I’m talking about a strip joint?! Far be it from me to stoop to such levels. … Read the rest
I’ve been unaware of angels, on Earth, for my whole life. And I mean the real ones. Not the little kids that moms call “my angel.” No. I mean the ones I might have even unwittingly entertained. And I’ve entertained … Read the rest
It was a cold day in February. I was “on the road.” And, believe it or not, bad things were going on in the world. Yeah, I know. With all the world peace we enjoy these days, that’s difficult to … Read the rest