This morning I remembered a mad conversation, between a young couple, I overheard in a burger joint a few years ago. And they were parents of a couple of young kids. I know that because the kids were in the … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhymes
This is for the kiddos. But if you’re an adult, make sure I’m not misleading them. I know plastic junk toys, made in China, are all the rage. But they don’t hold a homemade candle to do it yourself toys. … Read the rest
Thursday rhymes are so Thursday-ish. I don’t know why I even bother. Because this fourth day of the so-called “work week” is just a nod to Viking mythology. Thor’s Day. Whatever. But here we are. And I guess I’ll share … Read the rest
What is your brand here on good ol’ planet Earth? You have one. So, what’s yours? I remember an article I read about business brands. It mentioned how you should seriously consider branding yourself. Because, the article said, if you … Read the rest
I like this famous quote from Yogi Berra (a famous Yankee ball player). His answer to one of the questions journalists tossed at him was, “It’s like deja vu all over again.” And I thought of that, yesterday, after seeing … Read the rest
Your life is the only one you’re gonna get. And I know that you know it’s not about the skin you’re in. You know it’s the spirit and soul of you. So, I’m preaching to the choir. But if you’ve … Read the rest
It’s so cool how fast little kids learn to talk. You’re so young when you start talking that your parents have to tell you about your first words. My mom told me I spoke way before I was a year … Read the rest
Do you hope inside your heart that there’ll be better times ahead? And maybe, despite that hope you still have a foreboding sense of dread. I’d say those are both legitimate perspectives. And I’d also say you could legitimately feel … Read the rest
Pete Rose died recently. I’m sure you know he was a famous baseball player who committed the cardinal sin of betting on baseball even as he managed the Cincinnati Reds. And if you know that, maybe you also know that … Read the rest
For some reason I’ve seen several articles and memes, recently, with the same theme. Moderation is key. They seem to believe it’s the key to happiness. But I say moderation is key if you take it moderately. I know. Clever, … Read the rest
A Harvard Health Publishing report from back in 2011 said “one out of three senior citizens suffers at least one fall during the course of a year.” I know you’re too young to be the one out of three. But … Read the rest
Love when you can, cry when you have to. Be who you must, that’s a part of the plan. Await your arrival with simple survival. And one day we’ll all understand. One day we’ll all understand. Those are lyrics from … Read the rest