Sure, it sounds harsh to say out loud. But God is not all about forgiveness. So, if you’re a Christian who says that, stop. Because you give unbelievers a false sense of security. And you parrot the hypocritical words of … Read the rest
Category Archives: Psalms
Happiness and trust go hand in hand. And if you haven’t found that to be true, then I wonder where you put your trust. Or I wonder if you’re truly happy. Because I know where the perfect happiness and trust … Read the rest
I was thinking, earlier today, about how someone who knew me 30 years ago (or more) might come to my website and wonder if it’s really me. Because back then I had very long hair, played secular music for a … Read the rest
Music and mercy aren’t synonyms. Except that, they kind of are. Well, at least in one way they are. And I have that one example for you. But first, let me share a little story. During my freshman year in … Read the rest
Today was the day. Friends and family spent time together, in the little town of Gardner, Kansas, celebrating Mom. She died on February 11 of this year (2021) and left the aches and pains of this world to go live … Read the rest
Have you ever prayed and asked God to help you to not be like the wicked people of the world? It’s a good prayer because a wicked person, who doesn’t ask for forgiveness, will spend eternity with his (or her) … Read the rest
I remember a young lady telling me about The Joshua Tree when I was in Albuquerque, New Mexico back in 1987. I was booked there for two weeks, and she and couple of other friends asked me if I’d heard … Read the rest
Georgia seems to be on a lot of people’s minds right now. And by coincidence and chance, the song “Georgia On My Mind” (sung by the incomparable Ray Charles) went to number 1 on the charts on this day (November … Read the rest
Let’s jump into my virtual time machine and zoom back to the third quarter of the twentieth century. As the years zoom past the concave, heat resistant time machine windows, notice the fashion and hairstyle changes. And the cars starting … Read the rest
Who has never felt the burning need to be vindicated. And for a little more explanation, check out these synonyms for that word. Acquitted. Absolved. Exonerated. Liberated. And the dictionary says an informal definition is “let off the hook.” Did you ever … Read the rest
I’ve been doing this series of posts based on reading the Psalms. And in case you don’t know, Psalms is one of the sections of the Old Testament in the Bible. I’m up to Psalm 25. And when King David … Read the rest
Imagine this for a little bit. All your life you’ve had a great relationship with your dad. And I know that’s a hard pillow to swallow for most people these days. But that’s why I said “imagine this.” Ok, you … Read the rest