Years before Mel Gibson made a movie about it (Braveheart) I wrote a song about my freedom quest. To be clear, there were no swords, cannons, or lives lost in my quest. But it was just as important to me … Read the rest
Category Archives: Psalms
Imagination can be an awesome and powerful force. But it can be used for good OR evil. So, it can also be a hypocritical and destructive force. You can imagine yourself flying, on your own power, over the clouds and … Read the rest
So, if the love of your life says he or she (and those are your only two choices) would like there to be more spontaneity in the relationship, RUN! Because that means they don’t believe in the biogenesis theory. Or, … Read the rest
Favor and grace sound favorable and gracious to me. But maybe I’m just being too literal. And maybe those words aren’t conducive to your ability, or willingness, to sharing information about eternity. And maybe I should clarify why I’m bringing … Read the rest
Tomorrow is not the time to start something new. Because tomorrow is a concept. Because humans need that concept to help us understand the flowing of time. And even though it helps to include tomorrow in your understanding of time, … Read the rest
Maybe you already know that Kenny Loggins has a brother named Danny. And if you do, then you probably already know that Kenny wrote “Danny’s Song” for his brother as a gift for the birth of his brother’s son. And … Read the rest
The road to perdition is paved with nothing. And as silly as that sounds, most people on our little blue planet believe it’s the right road. And they’ll even say it out loud. With conviction. And sometimes indignation. I found … Read the rest
I didn’t decide to call my blog and podcast Rhyme and Reason just because I thought it sounded cool. It’s because those words represent what I call the poetic style of God. And God’s poetic style can be found all … Read the rest
Exvangelical deconstruction. Now, there’s a term you probably don’t hear every day. I hadn’t heard of it before today. But apparently it’s a “thing” in the ranks of people leaving the Christian “church” these days. And I put quotations around … Read the rest
There it is. In black and white. It clearly says, “pray for all men.” And it’s right there in Paul’s letter to Timothy, his protégée. But hold on a second. Are those words actually in Paul’s letter? And do those … Read the rest
It won’t cost you even one thin dime to share. And the cost to receive it is, too. Because mercy is free. But I’m not talkin’ about your regular ol’ run-of-the-mill mercy like you find in your social circles. Nay … Read the rest
OK, I’ve got a line for you to sing to the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it.” Ready? Here you go. 🎶 If you’re worried and you know it, do not fret. 🎶 Now. Don’t you feel … Read the rest