It’s an event where business owners and entrepreneurs go to “spot trends, build partnerships, or secure brand rights for your products.” It’s the Licensing Expo. And it was held in Las Vegas this year. A 60 year old woman, you … Read the rest
Category Archives: Pro Life
Many years ago I called on singer-songwriters, particularly those who call themselves Christians, to embrace the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb. And, sadly, that idea didn’t catch on all that well. Evidently pro life ideas don’t … Read the rest
Elgielene will back me up on this (and she’ll probably add how annoying it can be). But there are almost always notes and beats going on in my brain. And the annoying part (for others who can’t hear them) is … Read the rest
Some are more important than others. And some have little to no consequences. But some can make you stop in your tracks. Because you realize the choice you make today could change your whole life. And there’s no choice that … Read the rest
It’s Monday, as I write this. But today marks a sad day that happened 14 years ago. It was sad for those who had to say goodbye. But my guess is, it was a glorious day for one person. And … Read the rest
My wife became a certified health coach several years ago. And one of the key things her instructor mentioned, that hit home with me, was that self care is the best healthcare. There’s a ton of rhyme and reason to … Read the rest
The most serious issue facing our nation and the world isn’t fiscal. It’s physical. And it isn’t gun control or rock-n-roll. It’s mind control and your very soul. The most serious issue this world faces starts in the heart (which … Read the rest
You fell for it. And you did what had to be done. “They” said it’s YOUR choice. And you certainly made it. So, after you fall for a choice, like this, what’s left? Well, a glorious life filled with endless … Read the rest
It’s on November 19, 2022. I’m talkin’ about National Adoption Day. And November is still National Adoption Month. You might not know there are over 115,000 kids in foster homes waiting for a permanent home. Right now. And the “National Adoption Day” … Read the rest
Real, and true, inalienable rights come from God. And all those so-called “laws” that so-called “lawmakers” make, almost daily? Well, they’re childish gibberish hung from a foolish wish. And they’re subject to subjectivism and/or the whims of a so-called “organic” … Read the rest