Business owners can’t be coasters. At least not if you wanna have any kind of shot at success. Because the only way to coast is downhill. And, last time I checked, that was the opposite direction of success. Business owners … Read the rest
Category Archives: politics
Do you hope inside your heart that there’ll be better times ahead? And maybe, despite that hope you still have a foreboding sense of dread. I’d say those are both legitimate perspectives. And I’d also say you could legitimately feel … Read the rest
OK, a few years ago I shared a perspective on American independence that I connected with the political environment at the time. In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re in the throes of another political storm. So, I figured this would … Read the rest
Trivium. No, it’s not a new antidepressant. At least not yet anyway. The word, Trivium, is Latin for “the place where three roads meet.” And it’s also what they call the three stages of classical homeschooling. The Grammar Stage. The … Read the rest
I gotta share this story I just saw again today. Maybe you’ve seen some version of it. But it’s about what happened when a young cashier told an older woman “you should bring your grocery bags next time. Because plastic … Read the rest
My brother and I had a two-week booking in Erie, Pennsylvania. And we had just arrived. We unloaded our music gear and clothes and took them into the hotel. But I left a few boxes and assorted items in the … Read the rest
Today, America is a messed up vision. A shadow of its former somewhat shadowy self. Because right and wrong is a concept blurred by propaganda. And good and bad are now in the “eye of the beholder.” So, those who … Read the rest