February days have been a bit tricky, so far, here in the heart of the Heartland. Only a few days ago people walked in and out of stores in t-shirts and shorts. But for three days in a row, it’s … Read the rest
Category Archives: poets and poetry
King David is a very famous guy. In fact, he’s one of the most famous men in the Bible. And there’s a place in the Bible where he’s described as “skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man … Read the rest
Your life is the only one you’re gonna get. And I know that you know it’s not about the skin you’re in. You know it’s the spirit and soul of you. So, I’m preaching to the choir. But if you’ve … Read the rest
It’s so cool how fast little kids learn to talk. You’re so young when you start talking that your parents have to tell you about your first words. My mom told me I spoke way before I was a year … Read the rest
Now and then, with a keyboard or pen, I go back where I’ve been. That’s what I say now. And “then” I said this: I find it difficult to write anything without trying to make it rhyme in my head. … Read the rest
Rest in peace. Three simple words. And probably a large percentage of people who say those words actually mean them. In other words, they aren’t just something to blurt out without any thought of the meaning. But there’s also a … Read the rest
So you see the title, Typhoon Tycoon, and you think to yourself, “Self. That’s obviously the most important thing I’ve got to read today. So, read it NOW!” Am I right? Yes? I knew it. Because who wouldn’t wanna know … Read the rest
OK kiddos from 3 to 103. I’ll just let you know, right up front, that I’m here for you. Because I know that you fit into one of these categories. You are the: Cream of the crop Top of the … Read the rest
It probably wasn’t on your radar. Nope. You probably weren’t wondering about my process for stringing words together to create the rhymes and reasons I share with you. So, when I say I started a 3-verse rhyme with the phrase … Read the rest
I’m not a fan of hot weather conditions. Yeah, there’s a pun hiding in plain sight, there. But I’m not gonna pun-ish you, more, right now. If you’ve been staying inside to lounge in the coolness of air conditioning, believe … Read the rest
If you’re a Henry Wadsworth Longfellow fan, you’re familiar with Gitchee Gumee. But you might not be so familiar with Michi Gami. OK, Gitchee Gumee is the American Indian name for Lake Huron. And you’re probably ahead of me now, … Read the rest
AI is not real. Because there is no man-made intelligence. And the word, artificial, is your first clue. There is NO such thing as artificial intelligence. So, again, AI is not real. It’s kinda like the whole “free” thing. Just … Read the rest