Focus in on better things so you’re equipped to guard your hearts and minds. In Philippians 4:8-9 Paul shows us how focus is so important. Focus is a buzzword, nowadays, used by many motivational speakers and marketing gurus. But the focus … Read the rest
Category Archives: Philippians
In This World But Not Of It
I’m grateful and thankful to God that I can be in this world but not of it. It’s an increasingly dangerous place to be, and it’s a great relief to my soul and spirit to know I don’t have to … Read the rest
Press Toward The Goal
The only way you’ll ever achieve a goal on purpose is if you continue to press toward the goal…even when it seems impossible to get there. In basketball, the “full court press” is a term used to describe the extra … Read the rest
The Excellence of the Knowledge of Christ
If there was ever anyone who knew and experienced the excellence of the knowledge of Christ…it was Paul. In Philippians 3:1-11 Paul describes some of his credentials as a Jew. He could confidently say he was a credible source of … Read the rest
Supply What Is Lacking
Are you willing and/or able to supply what is lacking in others? That’s not a question that requires any false humility because we’re actually called by God to supply what is lacking in the lives of others. Think about it…if … Read the rest
All Seek Their Own
When Paul said “all seek their own” in Philippians 2:21, he didn’t mean every person in existence. It was a figure of speech…sort of like how we might say “all our friends are going to the game”. We don’t necessarily … Read the rest
Shine As Lights In The World
Christians need to “shine as lights in the world” because, as you may have noticed, it’s getting darker and darker with each passing day. If we’re rejoicing in our own Christian love but keeping our lights under baskets, can we … Read the rest
Humbled And Exalted
Is there a way to be both humbled and exalted? There sure is. The “humbled” part is something you can do. In fact, true humility should come from you and not be forced upon you. The “exalted” part will be … Read the rest
Having The Same Love
Are we Christians having the same love? Are we “being of one accord, of one mind“? I have to say I don’t see it. I look around and see Christians in confusion and discord. The Apostle Paul, who suffered time … Read the rest
With One Mind Striving Together
We can be stronger and more than conquerors when we work with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel. Do you find yourself listening to preachers, or teachers, or wonderful Christian speakers…and getting all pumped up from the … Read the rest
Supply of the Spirit, it’s time to get near it
Can you know that you know? Are you confident of your deliverance from this mean world into an eternal paradise? Do you have earnest (diligent) expectation and hope about anything? Does the boldness of any absolute truth have a place … Read the rest
My Chains Are In Christ
“My chains are in Christ”…sounds like a prison. Right? And why would anyone actually desire to be in chains? Of course, this is a metaphor used by Paul in Philippians 1:12-18 to describe how he is bound to Christ and how … Read the rest