Hmm…can music change your mood? Spoiler, and short answer…no. Apparently a lot of people use that search phase, can music change your mood, on Google. Because Google serves up a lot of results for the question. But it’s really simple. … Read the rest
Category Archives: Music Producer
Since you’re not doing anything right now, got any ideas for a song? I’m kidding. Well, about the “not doing anything” part. But not about the ideas for a song. I’m in the process of writing, composing, recording, mixing, and … Read the rest
Catch The Moon You can’t actually catch the moon. You might catch it or capture it in a photograph or video. But you might have noticed, in TV shows and other videos…the moon is big. And mighty far away. Oh … Read the rest
Sing along songs for little buckaroos Way back in history…all the way back to the early 2000’s…there lived a seasoned songwriter. And he wrote whole collections of sing along songs for kids. Parents from far and near would buy those … Read the rest
What are Timbuk Toys? It’s more like, who is Timbuk Toys? And it’s just a place where little kids can get just about any toy their little hearts desire. You know. A toy store. In the Denver, Colorado metro area. … Read the rest
I’ve become a music producer for an audience. Actually I guess I should say I’ve become a music producer for another audience. At least potentially, at this time. And that’s what all the talk about private label products was about. … Read the rest
OK, kids. Who can define the thermodynamics first law? Settle down. Settle down. And Susie, your hand is always up. Let someone else have a turn. Wow, everybody wants to answer. OK, Tommy, tell us. *ahem* “Yes, the thermodynamics first … Read the rest
An old song with a musical interlude Way, way back in my songwriting life, sometimes I’d worked on something “more than just a song.” And now, when I go through my old notebooks, I see how little I remember about … Read the rest
A Vernal Equinox 2020 suggestion With all the other chatter on social media and news channels, I didn’t see anything pop up about Vernal Equinox 2020. At least, not till I went looking for it. In case you didn’t know, … Read the rest
Who doesn’t love music and creation? I don’t know how many times I’ve seen comments pop up on social media about it. Seems like lots of writers and other creatives like to listen to music when they’re working. And I … Read the rest
I’ve enjoyed writing music for kids Kids give enthusiastic response when they hear music they like. Some will even flip their lids. For those of you who can’t remember far enough back, that means they go crazy. Metaphorically speaking. And … Read the rest
Music and math – it all adds up Way back in my school choir days I remember how much I enjoyed when we started learning about music dynamics. Because dynamics give music so much more emotion and depth. And in … Read the rest