Whether you’re going through life at the bottom of the totem pole…or you’re the king of the hill…remember, it’s only for a little while. Don’t worry if you see others doing more or better than you. There’s almost always someone … Read the rest
Category Archives: Matthew
Ransom: a sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner – That’s a pretty good description of the ransom that was paid for your release. And mine. And everyone else’s. Your life is held prisoner … Read the rest
The Salt of the Earth Is Losing Flavor and Getting Trampled Under Foot
“It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” What is the “it” that sentence is talking about? Salt. “Salt of the earth” to be more precise. It’s a metaphor for Christians and … Read the rest
Are you spending any time today worrying about what might happen tomorrow or next week or next month or next year? Do you realize you’re living in a future that may not even exist. I’m not saying THE future doesn’t … Read the rest
Blessed Are You Who Hunger Now
The Creator of the universe and everything in it said this: “blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled.” Imagine how good that must sound to someone who truly knows the gut-wrenching pains of hunger. Blessed are … Read the rest
You have enough to think about today. So, how will it help you to worry about tomorrow, today? The short answer is…it won’t. And a longer, much more efficient answer can be found in red letters in the Bible. (for … Read the rest
Open Rewards for Secret Deeds
Did you know you could receive open rewards for secret deeds? It’s a principle found in the teachings of Jesus. Uh-oh…there he goes again talking religion and Bible thumping. Sorry if it upsets you to hear all these things I … Read the rest
If you need a reason for faith instead of empty promises and stuffy traditions, you couldn’t do better than having faith in Jesus. I’ll explain… Jesus lived out His life on earth as a sinless man. At about the age … Read the rest
I’ve had a number of brand new cars in my life. And I’ve enjoyed the luxury of a large house with plenty of nice furnishings. At times you could see I was not denying myself the pleasures of multiple performance … Read the rest
There’s no getting around it. In this life you will have to suffer fools. To have no contact with fools you’d need to leave the planet. And sorry to say…that would make you a fool, and then your plan would … Read the rest
Tomorrow Will Worry About Its Own Things
A red letter edition of the Bible is a version where the words in red are the ones spoken by Jesus after He became a man. As far as I know you’ll only find those words in the New Testament. … Read the rest