This world is getting darker and meaner every day. And there are fewer kids doing wholesome kid stuff with each passing year. But I think you’ll find that the sights and scents of a flower garden can still attract kids … Read the rest
Category Archives: Luke
Do these sound like masculine traits? Decisiveness, assertiveness, and confidence? I think they certainly SHOULD sound like masculine traits. And I believe those traits can be instilled into boys in ways that help them develop leadership skills. Let me ask … Read the rest
You’re probably never gonna grab a needle and thread and sew anything. So, on the surface, maybe what I’m about to say won’t interest you at all. But bear with me. Because I’m gonna connect a needle and thread to … Read the rest
When it comes to truth, most politicians would rather not. I hope that’s not true, when it comes to YOU. And I hope you don’t leave yourself in a compromised position when it comes to life and truth. Because compromise … Read the rest
I shared a picture, on social media, early this morning. It’s a picture I took of a small, yellow flower among weeds, as Elgielene and I passed by it on our three mile walk yesterday. And I added this comment: … Read the rest
They can be gifts from God. And they can certainly just be the result of random thoughts your brain interprets and visualizes randomly. But how do you know which is which? Well, it takes more than a feeling to know … Read the rest
Over the years I’ve observed kids and their love for whimsy. So, I write whimsical rhymes. Fun, funny rhymes. Full of imagination. And filled with color, action, and rhythm. I want word pictures to leap into those growing little minds. … Read the rest
I know it’s not the “in” thing to say. But I don’t believe “everything happens for a reason.” And I don’t believe everything that happens is “part of God’s plan.” Yeah, I know I’m going against the grain on this. … Read the rest
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance. It’s all part of God’s plan. And we’re here by design. So, obviously there are no accidents in God’s plan. I agree. We’re here by design. But I disagree, or at … Read the rest
I just want you to know I’m wishing you all the best today. Because I know you’re going through a lot. And I know it can sometimes feel like you’re being tested every day. So, yeah. I’m wishing you all … Read the rest
I’ve written thousands and thousands of rhymes, stories, books, and songs. But there’s only one of my many creative works that’s truly gonna last. And that’s the engraved art in my heart. And even though it’s there because I chose … Read the rest
Recently, I heard somebody say “It’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys.” And I thought to myself, “Then, you only have bad guys.” Because “good guys” don’t happen by accident. Matter of fact, there really aren’t … Read the rest