Maybe he’s visited you in the middle of the night. Or the wee hours of the morning before the sun even starts to wake up. I hope not. Because he’s one of the darkest, meanest, sneakiest bad guys you’ll ever … Read the rest
Category Archives: just for kids
Let’s climb into my time travel ship and zoom way, way back to 1964. And let’s fly over the hilly countryside of Eastern Kansas. Look way down there. See those two little ants? Wait. Let’s fly down a little lower. … Read the rest
I read a blurb that said kids still like to do things kids have done for decades. Like turn a spoon into a spaceship. Or turn a cardboard box into a castle. But now kids do funny things online because…well, … Read the rest
I never met a honey bee I didn’t like. And, maybe it’s just my imagination (because I have a powerful imagination), but I think they like me, too. Because every honey bee I see smiles at me. Now, I gotta … Read the rest
Where I live it can get pretty windy. In fact, the current Funderburk home town is the fifth windiest city in America. We have an average wind speed of 11.5 mph. And the strongest recorded wind speed is over 101 … Read the rest
Do these sound like masculine traits? Decisiveness, assertiveness, and confidence? I think they certainly SHOULD sound like masculine traits. And I believe those traits can be instilled into boys in ways that help them develop leadership skills. Let me ask … Read the rest
Here’s something I didn’t learn from my Dad: It’s important that certain traits are taught alongside empathy. Because they foster respect for all genders and emotional intelligence which helps ensure that masculinity is not reduced to harmful stereotypes. And that … Read the rest
Anyone who truly knows me might tell you, if cornered, that I’m definitely anti touchy feely ushy-gushy stuff. So, I make it a point to write books for kids with a good balance of love AND strength. And I believe … Read the rest
This is for the kiddos. But if you’re an adult, make sure I’m not misleading them. I know plastic junk toys, made in China, are all the rage. But they don’t hold a homemade candle to do it yourself toys. … Read the rest