From the moment you were conceived you took on the human form. Not that body you’re walking around in now. The body that has endured the harsh rays of sun, drops of rain, sheets of ice, and blasts of wind. … Read the rest
Category Archives: Jeremiah
And should you trust your gut? Search the internet and you’ll find plenty of books and articles about the power of intuition. Some say it’s real. Some say it isn’t. Others say it’s psychological. And still others say the research … Read the rest
I’ve always had a place I could go when I needed to drown out the noise of the world. Music. And when I was 22, I bought a piano. Not just a another electronic keyboard. Nope. An actual, upright piano. … Read the rest
Slim and None. Those are the probable answers to the question. But, naturally, that begs the question. And at least one version of the question would be, “What are the odds that everything happens for a reason?” And I’d say … Read the rest
I remember when, back in 1998, a renowned neurosurgeon told Elgielene and me to “get your affairs in order.” Have you ever been told that? It’s like somebody just dropped a heavy, dark blanket over your head. And I’ll get … Read the rest
It might still be possible. But my guess is, it’s rare. And I mean it’s rare for a person to have a lyricist career anymore. Especially since actual lyrics, with solid meter and rhyme. But something I shared yesterday led … Read the rest
My wife and I live in a suburb, in the shadow of Pike’s Peak, not far from downtown. And not far from the famous Broadmoor Hotel. We don’t live in one of the mansions in the area. But we do … Read the rest
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” You’ve heard that more than once I bet. And it sure applies to Christian doctrinal differences. Because I see it more and more, with each passing year, how Christians put words … Read the rest
“Hey! Shut up! Don’t lie to me. You think I’m blind. But I’ve got eyes to see.” Yeah, a lot of what’s going on in America reminds me of those first couple of lines from Bonnie Raitt’s song “Have a … Read the rest
This is just for Christian songwriters So, everybody else just go about your business. Nothing to see or hear here. (Are they gone, yet?) OK, I’ve got some encouragement, admonition, and even merch for Christian songwriters. Especially the ones living … Read the rest
The Actual Attributes of God If you do an online search for the attributes of God, you’re liable to find what one pastor calls the “omni’s and the im’s”. You’ve probably heard of them…omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent…immutable and impassible. Those are … Read the rest
Don’t trust your heart Let me be clear. I’m not talking about that dark red muscle, in your chest, pumping blood all day and night. When I say don’t trust your heart, I’m talking about your very core. The inner … Read the rest