There I was, a nine year old boy in the attic of a very old country house at the end of a dusty Kansas road. Well, it wasn’t actually the end of the road if you had the right kind … Read the rest
Category Archives: historical events
35 years ago, today. That’s when my beautiful Elgielene became my wife. We zoomed up high in the Denver, Colorado skyline (for real) and shared our vows to stay together through come-what-may. Then, lo and behold, we’ve done it. And … Read the rest
Do you hope inside your heart that there’ll be better times ahead? And maybe, despite that hope you still have a foreboding sense of dread. I’d say those are both legitimate perspectives. And I’d also say you could legitimately feel … Read the rest
You’re getting a treat. I’m gonna share The Ten Commandments 2.0 for Liberals, Re-publicans, and Legalists with you. And these aren’t written in stone (that I know of), so get a grain of salt handy. These were shared many moons … Read the rest
Once upon an old West morning, in the little town of Glenwood Springs, the scent of freshly baked bread and coffee wafted through the air. And it woke up one of the most famous young doctors ever. He got up, … Read the rest
I’m sharing an account of what happened on D Day back in 1944. And when you get to the end of that part, be sure to check out a comparison story. The sunrise on June 6, 1944 (D Day) brought … Read the rest
It’s the second day of the week in the first week of the sixth month of the 2024th year of our Lord. Now, THERE’S an eyeful, earful, and mouthful. But the point is, it’s Tuesday. So, I’ll tell you a … Read the rest
Well, it’s the last Monday of the month of May in 2024. And that, of course, means it’s Memorial Day. The day Americans take time to remember fallen and injured men and women who served our country in the military. … Read the rest
Cow secretions and bee vomit. Yum, yum. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be goin’ back for seconds. Oh yeah! But first, here’s my desire as I share a little something with you today: Let my teaching drop as … Read the rest
It all started 90 years ago, today. On April 19, 1934. Before I say more about that, let me say this. Every human being past, present, or future will experience these same three things: Life Love Loss. Obviously if you … Read the rest
I’ve seen some quotes, from professors to poets, who put today’s solar eclipse in its proper perspective. In one way or another they say what’ll happen is you’ll be “standing the shadow of the moon.” Sure, some interesting things can … Read the rest
This Sunday is known all around the world as “Easter Sunday” or “Resurrection Sunday.” And today is known as “Good Friday” to a whole lot of people. But those names don’t mean much to most people. And that’s especially sad … Read the rest