It used to be (and it might still be if it was allowed to be) you could give a little boy a stick, and he could entertain himself for hours. That was true of a ball. And a tree. And … Read the rest
Category Archives: healthy habits
Negative and positive attitudes can both be caused by something. And you can look around and see plenty of places to put (or lay) the blame. Tyrants in control of many (or most) of the nations. Self-serving, thieving politicians. Ubiquitous … Read the rest
My love for letters and words began long before my first day of school. Many of my earliest memories are of my Grandmother and my Mom reading stories and the Sunday “funnies” to me. And I think the word pictures … Read the rest
When you get right down to it, it’s pretty easy to brew up a good batch of anger issues. Right? Yeah, pretty much anyone can do it. With one arm tied behind ’em. And since that’s true, think about honeybees. “Huh? … Read the rest
OK, so I’m gonna preach a little bit. So, if you’d rather not subject yourself to that, fair warning. Close your eyes, ears, email, or computer and move on. If you’re still here, here I go. You’ve seen ’em. On … Read the rest
Anger management. Ironically, most of the people who think other people are the people who need anger management seem to be so angry about it. And that makes me so angry. Not really. I’m just using absurdity to expose absurdity. … Read the rest
Live well and be well because you can’t be sick and inspire…at least not for long. Oh, you think you can? Think again. You need your health. It’s not just something that’s nice to have around. It’s the core essential … Read the rest
OK, for this meeting of Overeaters Anonymous, I’d like to pick up where we left off during the last meeting. And that, of course, is the ever-important issue. Dessert: before or after the meal? And while Albert reads the minutes … Read the rest
Imagine feeling drowsy all day. In fact, actually falling asleep at your desk right in the middle of work. And imagine, on top of all that, you’re dizzy, a little confused, and you can’t get rid of that nagging headache. … Read the rest