There’s no such thing as actual transgender. Sure, you can make up words and apply whatever touchy feely definitions you devise in your own mind. But just saying it doesn’t make it true. You can identify. But it doesn’t change … Read the rest
Category Archives: Genesis
With all the randomness in the universe, and our cute, little solar system, it’s a wonder that we can predict the moon phases with such accuracy. But we’re so good at it (and by “we” I mean earthlings) that we … Read the rest
Back in the day a rainbow was a rainbow. And, for a relatively small group of people, it also represented a promise from God; that He would never flood the earth again. I consider His promise to be proof of … Read the rest
Tucson, Arizona. Central New Mexico. Music. Moonlight. Dan Fogelberg. Storytelling. All parts of “the road” from a long time ago. And, early this morning, I thought about an incredible, singular experience I had during a full moon drive. Strangely enough, … Read the rest
How much grass have you eaten lately. NO, I didn’t ask how much you smoked, you knucklehead. And I’m not an advocate of grazing out in your yard. But I bring it up because there are apparently some chlorophyll benefits … Read the rest
Remind me to tell you my thoughts on human sovereignty one of these days. I’ve got an interesting perspective on it. But that’s not what I’m sharing with you today. Something else occurred to me, today, as I saw the … Read the rest
Right up front, I gotta say it. And I know this is anathema to the enlightened, evolutionary worldview. But here it is. There’s no such thing as fossil fuel. Bam! I just attacked the whole fossils evolution connection. And, no, … Read the rest
I’m happy to celebrate when a church moves in the direction of rightly dividing the word of truth. But you almost never see that anymore. In fact, most establishments calling themselves churches move in the opposite direction. Sometimes the move … Read the rest
It’s unimaginably cool. But you and I actually have the breath of life from God in us. Uh-oh. I’ve already given you the clue that’ll probably make sure you get an A+ on this pop quiz I’ve got for you. … Read the rest
OK, stop me if you’ve heard this story (yeah, as if you could stop me). This story took place six thousand years ago. In a place very, very close to where you are right now. In fact, it took place … Read the rest
It’s true. We Christians have a different perspective on life. So, we think different thoughts from the rest of the world. And that’s because we know ideas can have eternal consequences. So, we should think a different way. With a … Read the rest
Infinitely creative. That’s the way you might imagine somebody who could conjure up designs for the universe and everything in it. And if you found out that the same person could get it all built in only six days, you … Read the rest