I’ll say it right up front. I’m for it. I believe it’s good to encourage yourself. Just as it’s good to encourage others. So, don’t misinterpret what I say about the following “psychological” advice. Because it’s easy to encourage yourself … Read the rest
Category Archives: Galatians
It’s truly your lucky day! Because, even though I didn’t think I’d ever share this secret again, I’m gonna show you the main ingredients you need in order to be master of the universe. And despite what you might have … Read the rest
Over ten years ago I wrote about what it takes to be a healthy, happy human. And I said, “First, you have to be a human. Next, you need to be healthy and happy.” Sounds sensible enough. Right? And I … Read the rest
If you have a weary head, it can easily mean at least a couple of things. First, it might mean you’re just plain ol’ tired. And you could probably use a good night’s sleep. Or at least a nap. Second, … Read the rest
If you’re old enough to remember back to the 60’s, or maybe even 50’s, you know full well that life is short. Right? I mean, how could it already have been this many years since then? If your memory goes … Read the rest
Huey shared the news back in the 80’s. Jennifer Rush wrote about it back in 1984. And Céline Dion repeated Jennifer’s message in 1994. That message was about the power of love. And people evidently were open to the idea. … Read the rest
Oh foolish Americans. Who has hypnotized you so that you don’t even recognize the truth? And why, since you’ve known such incredible freedom, do you prefer to return to bondage? Yeah, so many foolish Americans fall for lies. Actually that’s … Read the rest
There’s no doubt about it. Haters gonna hate. But what there IS some doubt about is…who are the haters? Ironically (and woefully), it’s almost always the people who are yelling the loudest about who hates who. And here’s where the … Read the rest
Neighbor to neighbor. Sounds folksy. Easy-going. Downright neighborly. Right? Well, not so fast there, neighbor. Because it can get mighty messy in a big hurry. Have you ever heard of the neighbor to neighbor app, Nextdoor? It was apparently started … Read the rest
I read an article on LinkedIn that was so incredibly stupid. And part of the stupidity is how the article was high in the feed of a platform (supposedly) focused on business. Why was the article stupid? Because it glorified … Read the rest
You probably remember at least one movie like this. A couple of guys constantly fight each other. Each wants to be the alpha male. And they can’t stop. Almost every scene they’re in together is either an actual physical fight … Read the rest
What if joy were against the law? Sounds crazy, I know. But play along for just a bit. And let’s pretend that somehow that kind of law was pushed through congress. What would you do? If joy were against the … Read the rest