OK, you might as well know up front. I’m gonna preach a little bit here. But I’m gonna go easy on you (sort of) and connect it to music. And the subject for the day is about your new man … Read the rest
Category Archives: FunderCast
I was recently did another podcast interview with a young guy named Pablo Acosta. His fairly new show is called Benchin in the Kitchen. And I confess I don’t know what that means. But I picture resistance training with a … Read the rest
I hope you’re not rockin the boat today. Because the world has enough troublemakers without you chimin’ in. And if you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about, then you probably shouldn’t even be reading this. Because you just won’t understand. … Read the rest
It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Typically I don’t watch events such as the confirmation of a so-called “supreme court justice nominee.” And I haven’t actually watched the sequence of events in Amy Barrett’s hearings either. Because … Read the rest
Who has never felt the burning need to be vindicated. And for a little more explanation, check out these synonyms for that word. Acquitted. Absolved. Exonerated. Liberated. And the dictionary says an informal definition is “let off the hook.” Did you ever … Read the rest
R.A.D.S. Last week that acronym came up in my life. And if you’ve dealt with it, you know what a nuisance (at best) it can be. The letters stand for “Reactive Airways Disease Syndrome.” But regardless of what you call … Read the rest
Comic books were a really big deal to a lot of other guys I knew when I was a kid. And I remember going to a couple of my friends’ houses and being amazed at how many boxes of comic … Read the rest
Duct tape. Concrete patch kit. Bandaid. What do those three things have in common? Each one is a temporary fix. And they’re awesome for doing what they were designed to do. But when you use them, you know (at least … Read the rest
Since I’m more known for composing (music), it might seem a little weird for me to talk about decomposing. But here I am talking about it. And I’m guessing that you might already be aware of how your DNA starts … Read the rest
Think you’re having a bad day? Or week? Or month? Well, how would you like to set a record while the world is watching? But then you go out a few days later and lose, big time, while the world … Read the rest
Steve Jobs certainly had an interesting life. And a productive one. I don’t think you could find many who would disagree with that. After all, he had quite an impact on how we use technology now. In fact, I know … Read the rest