There’s a fast-growing cancer just under the surface of this world. It used to be held in check by a country known as the land of the free and the home of the brave. But the cancer is spreading like … Read the rest
Category Archives: FunderCast
Hey ladies and gents. Kids of all ages. It’s time to play Beat The Clock and make your mark for all time. And this is the game where the stakes are high, the prizes are free, and losers never get … Read the rest
I got a real nice note, in the mail, from my cousin, Becky. She lives in Texas. And she was here in Colorado, with her family, a couple of months ago. But we didn’t get together because she thought I … Read the rest
Did you see the movie “Ghost”with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore? The silly plot to the movie was that Patrick’s character was murdered but he didn’t immediately leave the planet. And he didn’t go to Heaven or hell. Because, according … Read the rest
Some say the way you write says a lot about you. And I don’t mean the words you choose. I’m talking about the way you push your pen. I recently read an article that said if you write with an … Read the rest
OK, I’ll admit it. I’m human. And at least a part of me doesn’t like to be told I’m wrong. Sure, I’m the only person in the world who feels this way. Yeah, right. But the truth is…Truth needs to … Read the rest
There’s a reason food tastes better when it’s seasoned with salt. Because salt is tasty. And it’s the most versatile seasoning on the planet. And it doesn’t hurt that it’s essential to your health. Wow, is anybody else getting a … Read the rest
Let’s jump into my virtual time machine and zoom back to the third quarter of the twentieth century. As the years zoom past the concave, heat resistant time machine windows, notice the fashion and hairstyle changes. And the cars starting … Read the rest
I remember, when I graduated high school, how quickly the “real world” loomed on the horizon. You know what I’m talking about. Figuring out what to do so the parents don’t have to support you anymore. And, for me, college … Read the rest
Some of my wacky friends (and in this case, wacky is a term of endearment) are on that keto diet thing. And it’s been around long enough I’m sure you know it’s a low-carb, high-fat and high-protein diet. And that’s … Read the rest
Once upon a time, many years ago, a little boy, named Adolph, dreamed of one day becoming a great leader. And then, one day, he actually DID become a leader. But instead of leading his people with truth and love, … Read the rest
If you’re a fan of (or when you were a kid you were a fan of) superhero comic books, you’re familiar with the ubiquitous dialogue bubble. And it’s also known as a speech bubble, speech balloon, dialogue balloon, and even … Read the rest