Dobie Gray sang “Drift Away.” And it was a big hit for him back in 1973. I remember I liked the song, a lot, from the very first time I heard it. And I think it was Conway Twitty who … Read the rest
Category Archives: FunderCast
Well, it’s December 2020. And it’s the best month of the year to end 2020 with. And not just because it’s both national egg nog month AND national impaired driving prevention month. Even that alone would make it super duper … Read the rest
I read a headline, somewhere online today, that said Wikipedia has become another leftist so-called “source of information.” What?! I’m totally aghast. And in mind-blown shock. Not. And then, as fate, destiny, and kismet would have it, I saw a … Read the rest
OK. I’m gonna give you the keys to self-empowerment today. And they’re found in these four words. Forgive everyone for everything. Do that, and you’ll be a god. But… Forgive everyone for everything and you won’t be like God. Because, … Read the rest
I’ve always believed it’s a good idea to be nice to nurses. And doctors and other medical practitioners. Because they have to see and deal with a lot of the ugly side of life. And death. But especially be … Read the rest
Liberty and justice for all. Remember those words? Yeah, they seem vaguely familiar. Oh yeah, I remember now. Aren’t they the last words in the American Pledge of Allegiance. But who is this “ALL” they’re talking about? Liberty and … Read the rest
My eloquence is subdued, tainted, and watered down by the second law of thermodynamics and a public school education. But I take heart in knowing that so is yours. Just kidding (a bit). But it’s true that we’re generally all … Read the rest
For some, the name Paul Revere might conjure up a band from back in the 60’s and 70’s. But it should bring to mind a great American and his famous “midnight ride.” Paul Revere’s famous ride started at 10 … Read the rest
They might not be household names you’ve ever heard. But if you’ve lived more than a couple of decades, you’ve probably heard them. And is it just me, or do those old Motown songs still make you wanna dance, too? … Read the rest
Today marks the 157th anniversary of a speech President Lincoln gave. So, I’m gonna share that whole Gettysburg Address with you with only a couple of comments. Gettsysburg Address was short. And Lincoln was tall. Ok. So much for … Read the rest
Just because it’s already been done doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do it. And maybe you could even do it better. “It” isn’t the same thing for everybody. But “it”, for me, is music. So, I love to hear … Read the rest
Little kids can be so cruel. Makes you wonder where they get it. Right? And it’s always been that way. In fact, I remember, waaayyy back in the 20th century, when I was but a wee lad, kids would taunt … Read the rest