Each and every time America goes through an election cycle there’s a bunch of what I call strange change. And it’s rarely, if ever, for the good. But the presidential election of 2020-2021 goes down as one of the strangest. … Read the rest
Category Archives: FunderCast
Social media. That term or description or title…whatever you wanna call it…has become an oxymoron. Because the biggest social media platforms have turned into bloated, antisocial, propaganda propagators. They’ve increased their agendas toward repressing, suppressing, and even shutting down anyone … Read the rest
It’s funny (not ha-ha funny) how people with the worst possible ideas always want everybody else to have open minds. Have you ever noticed that? And cheaters tend to want everybody to get along and “unify” once they get “in … Read the rest
You and I live in an atmosphere full of germs. And it’s been that way on good ol’ planet Earth for your whole life. Doesn’t matter how old you are. Bacteria, viruses, and all their little germ cousins are everywhere. … Read the rest
A woman I know (a friend of mine) has a 17 year old son who just experienced the suicide of one of his best friends. And her son had already shown bouts of depression and anxiety with his life. Keep … Read the rest
“God is in control.” And “God’s got this.” Or how about, “Just gotta remember it’s all part of God’s plan, so wait for His perfect timing.” If you’ve been saying any of those things…or anything that sounds like them, then … Read the rest
Yeah, I’m gonna have a good day. And I don’t care who tries to stop me. Because it beats the tar, dust, and heck out of the alternative. And I’m gonna have a good day tomorrow, too. Because I want … Read the rest
It’s pretty amazing what technology can help you do these days. For example, I’m using my iPhone as my computer to write this. And I’m typing on a small bluetooth keyboard that feels almost as good as the keyboard on … Read the rest
The age of the Earth increases all the time. And you’re probably thinking, “Duh. Doesn’t the age of everything, Tony?” But I’m not talking about how Earth is another year older every year. No, I’m talking about how some so-called … Read the rest
You’ve heard this expression: The only thing that stays the same is change. Right? Well, it’s the only thing because there are two things that stay the same. Continuity and change. Wait! How can that be? Two things stay the … Read the rest
Well, here it is. The last day of 2020. And it has been one of the strangest, and certainly the stupidest year in my life. And that’s saying something, considering the decades I’ve accumulated. I wish I could say it … Read the rest
Dr. Rockrazer, an archaeologist from the twentieth century was excited. And, for him, that was completely out of character. Because most of his contemporaries and fellow workers in the dirt found him to be quite dry, if you’ll pardon the … Read the rest