I enjoy watching Ray Comfort, from Living Waters, talk to people he meets “on the street.” Because he has an easy-going way of disarming them in order to share God’s love. He lives in California. But he’s originally from Australia. … Read the rest
Category Archives: FunderCast
31 years ago, today, a beautiful, petite, slender, tan woman said one word that changed my life. Of course, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what that word was. But I’ll share it anyway. The word was “What?!” … Read the rest
We just watched an old Joel McCrea western last week. And that’s for one reason. Because there are no new Joel McCrea westerns. Joel moved on to that big ranch in the sky many moons ago. But that’s not actually … Read the rest
1938. It was a cold day in January. In rural Oklahoma. FDR was in the first year of his second term as president of the U.S. And a second daughter was born to a young couple named Lee and Syona. … Read the rest
The good ol’ American can do attitude. Remember that? If you’re only a couple of decades old (or less), you might not. But it’s what truly made America a force to be reckoned with. Because when you have a nation … Read the rest
At some point of the year in 1990 or 91, my wife and I lived in Tulsa Time for a couple of weeks. Tulsa, Oklahoma to be exact. And that’s because I was booked in a snazzy hotel to provide … Read the rest
I’m able to change my mind. And you read that and probably think something like, “Wow. That’s so deep, Tony.” But it IS deep. Because it means I’m not a robot. There’s no one pushing buttons making me do what … Read the rest
“I don’t wanna deal with reality. In fact, I hate reality.” I was just talking with a good friend who said a person he knows told him that. And my wife said a coworker told her something like that, too. … Read the rest
I remember, even way back in the 20th century when I was a kid, how pastors could get fire-and-brimstone fired up. And how they’d want some feedback. So, a lot of them would say something with particular emphasis and ask, … Read the rest
I’ve talked about how my parents split up when I was around 4. And I’ve talked about how my younger brother and I lived mainly with my grandparents (on Dad’s side) for a couple of years after that. But I’ve … Read the rest
Just think if you lived back in the days of gladiators. And imagine if you had to go out and fight for your king with an invisible suit of armor. Sure, it would be much lighter. So, it would be … Read the rest
Time flies. And time drags. And yet it’s all the same 24 hours every day. But circumstances are what can make those hours feel like they last forever. Or pass by in the blink of an eye. And events can … Read the rest