I just saw three weak references to time by Christians. And all three of them talked about when time shall be no more. Sadly, those Christians are perpetuating an impossibility. Because there will never be a time when there is … Read the rest
Category Archives: FunderCast
Something is either right or wrong. And, it goes without saying (but I’m saying it anyway) some of those right or wrong things are more important than others. And some are of great importance. But the foundation of the statement … Read the rest
It’s fascinating how little snippets of memories can flash into the front of your mind. Sometimes the flash comes out of nowhere. And sometimes it’s because you simply stopped and thought about it. And I recommend an occasional pause to … Read the rest
I remember singing what we called “old spiritual songs” way, way back when I was in choir in high school. One, that always comes to mind, said “soon ah will be done uh wit da troubles of da world. Goin’ … Read the rest
A fairly impressive milestone slipped by me this past week. And that’s even though I told myself to not let it slip past me. What was the milestone, you ask? Well, thanks for asking. Right here, on my humble little … Read the rest
Even if you’re not a Christian believer, you should read about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Because it’s the kind of story Hollywood movies attempt to tell. But they almost always fail miserably for the same reason King Nebuchadnezzar failed. They stand on … Read the rest
If you’ve been following along with me here at TonyFunderburk.com for a while, you might recall that I spent a year in Nashville. Yeah, the one in Tennessee. Elgielene and I went there, after a couple of years on the … Read the rest
246 years ago, this month, some guys with a British accent figured they’d bully some Americans around. But things didn’t go quite according to their plan. Because a knight in shining armor foiled their plans. And, of course, I’m being … Read the rest
Back when I was about 12 or 13, in the mezzaluna phase of the twentieth century, my Mom forced me to endure unfathomable torture. She drove me to a quiet hillside, out on the backroads of Eastern Kansas. And she … Read the rest
Here’s a little something from nineteen ninety nine in nineteen eighty two. “Cuz they say two thousand zero zero party over, Oops out of time – So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1999.” Just in case you forgot, or something, I’m … Read the rest
Back in the day (as they say) there was a short expression to describe somebody who could run fast. It went like this, “Man, he can really move it.” Do they still say that? I don’t know. But I probably … Read the rest