I’m reminded of a sound bite from a presidential debate between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. Carter presented what he thought was a good case against then Governor Reagan’s position on Medicare. And when Carter finished, Reagan started his counterpoint … Read the rest
Category Archives: FunderCast
What if you reached your prime, let’s say around 33, and someone told you that you look old? It wouldn’t exactly make you feel great. Even if you’re totally confident in who you are, and in your appearance, you don’t … Read the rest
God? Or environmentalists? Where is your trust? Let’s say God told you something like, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”Would you believe Him? Or do you put … Read the rest
Ah, yes. Diversity, equity, and unabashed tolerance. That’s what you get when you mix a whole lotta different kinds of people together in one place. Right? And you just better brace yourself for gobs of group hugs, too. Because peace, … Read the rest
Apparently a lot of people go online to find out what can cause stress. And that makes sense. Because a lot of people (if not most) are stressed out. But I seriously don’t think you need to ask Google or … Read the rest
Music and mercy aren’t synonyms. Except that, they kind of are. Well, at least in one way they are. And I have that one example for you. But first, let me share a little story. During my freshman year in … Read the rest
If you were a “climate change” advocate, or some sort of “global warming” proponent, what would be the best way to express your beliefs? Show of hands? OK, Susie. What do you think the answer is? “Um, buy a half … Read the rest
I had my eyes examined (no, not my head) a couple of weeks ago. And this week I got my new glasses. Plus, this is my 2020th post here on TonyFunderburk.com. So, those two things, and a couple of other … Read the rest
I watched a well-made movie, starring Robert Duvall, the other night. And he’s a very good actor who can keep you engaged. I wish he’d learn how stupid he sounds as he takes God’s name in vain in just about … Read the rest
You and I should cling to what is good. Not because it’s some kind of law. But because there’s much benefit to it. Sometimes eternal benefits. But you can’t do it. And I can’t either. We just can’t do it. … Read the rest
In 2008, I was part of a pro life group in Colorado that actively advocated for the abolition of abortion. And, believe it or not, that’s not the general consensus in the “pro life movement.” Typical pro life organizations have … Read the rest
Empty the ocean with a spoon? Yeah, that was a thought that rushed into my head one day back in the 1970’s. Because I was thinking about all the people in the world who give up too easily. And, at … Read the rest