They’re everywhere. In almost every household. Certainly in every politician’s office. And in the heads of most every kind of person there is. From young graduates to old tyrants. Big plans. For good. And not so good. And downright evil. … Read the rest
Category Archives: FunderCast
How about this expression? “The bad apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” You’ve heard that, right? Hmm, maybe that’s acorn. Or lemon. Doesn’t matter. The point’s the same. But there’s another expression, too. “One bad apple don’t spoil the … Read the rest
It’s a mean world. Every day you see and experience the cold, hard truth in this world. Whether you like it or not. And whether you prefer to think positive or be negative. Doesn’t matter if you’re a glass-is-half-full person … Read the rest
According to search engine “suggestions,” a very popular search term is “Kanye West net worth.” And sadly, for the hip-hop rapper, it’s way less than it was. Poor dude is only worth about $400 million now. But don’t worry. Because … Read the rest
It’s not a new cop show. Nope. The Grace and Glory I’m talkin’ about is found in the one story that makes ALL history possible. And this is true whether you believe in the God of the Bible or not. … Read the rest
Real, and true, inalienable rights come from God. And all those so-called “laws” that so-called “lawmakers” make, almost daily? Well, they’re childish gibberish hung from a foolish wish. And they’re subject to subjectivism and/or the whims of a so-called “organic” … Read the rest
So. You grew up, left your parents’ house, and went out on your own. Great. You’re not a kid anymore. And that’s exactly as it should be. What’s that? You still have to deal with your inner child? Well, here’s … Read the rest
Ringtones for phones are still a $2.1 billion bidness. According to one website I found that talks about such things. In 2005, ringtones outsold CD’s. Yeah, I know that’s no big deal now because who cares about CD’s anyway? Right? … Read the rest
I’ve enjoyed Dr. Seuss books since I was a kid. In fact, I’m sure his rhythmic and whimsical writing inspired many of my writings for kids. And I’ll even admit that in a court of law if needed. But that … Read the rest
From here to Timbuktu. You’ve heard that expression or something like it. Right? Well, I’m not gonna give you a history lesson on where the expression originated or if it’s even a real place. But it DID inspire a toy … Read the rest
Throw away your daytimer (does anybody have one of those anymore?). Toss out your to-do lists, your notes to self, your calendar apps, and your reminders. Because everything has already been painstakingly planned out for you. You just need to … Read the rest
Imagine, for a moment, that you’ve set up a move in day for your nice, new house. Or apartment. Condo. Doesn’t matter. It’s just about perfect. It has precision appliances, digital climate control, two car garage. And basically all the … Read the rest