Hey kiddos. Repeat after me. Metamorphosis. Wow. Now, that’s a word they should change into something easier to say. Right? Hey, wait a second. Eureka! That’s it! We could use the word, change. But metamorphosis is a drastic change. Like … Read the rest
Category Archives: Funderbolts
So, I’m sitting at my desk. And I found this in-depth review of my website. Part of it said: Tony Funderburk’s website paints a picture of a man who is: Boldly Convicted: Unapologetic about his Christian beliefs, he uses his … Read the rest
Do these sound like masculine traits? Decisiveness, assertiveness, and confidence? I think they certainly SHOULD sound like masculine traits. And I believe those traits can be instilled into boys in ways that help them develop leadership skills. Let me ask … Read the rest
Here’s a little more sharp talk for ya. And, just so you know, I’m not a Greek expert. Actually not even a Greek amateur. But there are some who dig more deeply into Greek translation to get a better understanding … Read the rest
“Iron Sharpens Iron” is just about 99.99% always used as a positive expression. Christians, especially men, love to use it as though it’s a good thing to do to/for a friend or colleague to “help” them get closer to the … Read the rest
Years ago I wrote about the reality of love. And this is another take on that message… Love needs consistent care and attention. It doesn’t have a “one-size-fits-all” option like some gloves do. In fact, you’ll discover, over the course … Read the rest
Here’s something I didn’t learn from my Dad: It’s important that certain traits are taught alongside empathy. Because they foster respect for all genders and emotional intelligence which helps ensure that masculinity is not reduced to harmful stereotypes. And that … Read the rest
He showed up with a servitude heart. And that was no small detail. Because he was actually a king. No, that’s not quite accurate. He was THE king. Of the whole universe, in fact. But He showed up here in … Read the rest
You have enough to think about today. So, don’t add tomorrow’s worries to today. And that’s not just some anecdotal thing I came up with. It’s advice that can also be found in red letters in the Bible. (for those … Read the rest
We will not comply. That’s a trending topic on X (aka: Twitter) this morning. Of course, that sentiment is appropriate so I clicked on the link to see what was being said about it. And the first thing I saw … Read the rest