What if you were the first person on Earth that God ever created? First thing is, you’d be a man. Because God created a man, first. But then, what if He brought you a lot of animals and birds and … Read the rest
Category Archives: Faith Hope and Love
“They” used to say, “Man, I’m on such a high right now,” when something made you big-time happy. And some said that when they inhaled certain kinds of smoke. But let’s not go there. The reason I brought it up … Read the rest
There are lots of bad guys (and that includes the female part of “guys” too) out there everyday. You can’t swing a metal jump rope without hittin’ at least one. In fact, I could tell you a story, three stories … Read the rest
Here’s a little more sharp talk for ya. And, just so you know, I’m not a Greek expert. Actually not even a Greek amateur. But there are some who dig more deeply into Greek translation to get a better understanding … Read the rest
35 years ago, today. That’s when my beautiful Elgielene became my wife. We zoomed up high in the Denver, Colorado skyline (for real) and shared our vows to stay together through come-what-may. Then, lo and behold, we’ve done it. And … Read the rest
Years ago I wrote about the reality of love. And this is another take on that message… Love needs consistent care and attention. It doesn’t have a “one-size-fits-all” option like some gloves do. In fact, you’ll discover, over the course … Read the rest
Emotional Resilience. That’s what they called it. And they followed up the name with this description: Encouraging boys to embrace aspects of traditional masculinity, like stoicism and fortitude, can foster emotional resilience. And this doesn’t mean to suppress emotions. But … Read the rest
Faith over fear. Make that your motto. Your creed. Or the sticky note you put on your computer. Whatever works. Here’s one reason, I found in an article, about why it’s a good idea: Because faith over fear Promotes Positive … Read the rest
Fear IS deception. That’s what some people believe. And for different reasons. But, for the most part, this reasons are wrong. Because fear is not deception. And if you believe you’re fearless, then you haven’t seen all the information. Fear … Read the rest
When you were young, was the world a better place? And can you honestly agree with these thoughts. You had a lot more fun People were nicer Grownups took better care of our world Life was just plain easier Yeah, … Read the rest
Anyone who truly knows me might tell you, if cornered, that I’m definitely anti touchy feely ushy-gushy stuff. So, I make it a point to write books for kids with a good balance of love AND strength. And I believe … Read the rest
It was about 2,000 years ago. And today doesn’t mark the exact day and time. But that’s another topic for later. Nevertheless some shepherds were on the job, whatever day and time it was. And their job was to watch … Read the rest