There I was, a nine year old boy in the attic of a very old country house at the end of a dusty Kansas road. Well, it wasn’t actually the end of the road if you had the right kind … Read the rest
Category Archives: ebooks for kids
Imagine you’re hired for a new job. The company has a reputation for getting a lot done. And you’re fine with that. Because you know it means you won’t be bored. But then they hand you your itinerary for the … Read the rest
Rhyming books?! Are you kidding me? Who in their right mind would fall for such a thing? Because that’s all so last century. These days, kids want rap. Not stuff that actually rhymes. And just saying “rhyming books” sounds so … Read the rest
Oh brother. I found an article on the latest trends in books for kids. And if it’s accurate, and from what I’ve seen it is, Houston, we have a problem (and every other city, town, and village). Don’t take my … Read the rest
A lot of people, especially Christians, feel that Christmas is a time for giving. And I’m not here to tell you anything different. But if giving is the (or even a) measure of giving, then think about what an amazing … Read the rest
Ella loves bedtime stories. Big shocker, right? I mean, you’ve probably never heard of a little kid who loves bedtime stories. But, maybe what you didn’t know was how many kids enjoy books on iPad. And that’s Ella. “Read me … Read the rest
OK kiddos from 3 to 103. I’ll just let you know, right up front, that I’m here for you. Because I know that you fit into one of these categories. You are the: Cream of the crop Top of the … Read the rest
“Maestro, a little night music, please.” And with that one command/request, the young songwriter retreated to his chamber to compose himself. Oh yeah, and also to compose the music. By some accounts it was a warm summer night in Vienna. … Read the rest
Oliver Treze was born to write bright. And that was his answer when anyone asked what he did for a living. He’d smile a quarter smile and reply, “I write bright.” So, every morning, he sat in the shade of … Read the rest
Theo loved drawing and coloring from the moment he could hold a crayon. And his bedroom walls were papered with creations straight out of his wild imagination. Just about every other day he’d ask his mom or dad to get … Read the rest
If you’ve never met the Icle family, you’e certainly missed out on a special treat. First, there’s Grandpa Icle. But most people know him as Pops. Then there’s Uncle Bice Icle. And cousin Trice Icle. Then, there’s King Lear Icle. … Read the rest
OK, you’ll enjoy this story much more if you use your best Irish or Scottish accent as you read. Even if you read it to yourself and you don’t read it out loud. You’re already doin’ it. Aren’t ya? Yeah, … Read the rest