Boomer opinions. Yeah, those “old” people actually DO take a position on a lot of stuff in life. And I discovered, earlier this morning, that younger generations agree with some of them. GASP! Like this one: “They need to fix … Read the rest
Category Archives: current events
Nine years ago I added a little background check online (here on my website, to be precise) about a woman who played a somewhat important role in my life. My mom. And when I say “background check online,” it’s just … Read the rest
It was four years ago, to the day, today. And a few minutes ago I ran across something I shared that day. I can see it, in my mind’s eye, almost as clearly as if I were looking right at … Read the rest
Biblical knowledge is available to anyone who’s interested in finding out more. And the key points, and truth, of the Bible are easy enough to understand that even a child can learn about the love of our Creator. And that’s … Read the rest
What I’m about to share probably isn’t for you. But I can almost guarantee it’s good for someone you know or care about. It’s something I shared with others a few years ago. And I asked them this question: If … Read the rest
Here it is again. The last day of the year. Some day has to be that day every year. And today is that day. But who cares? Right? Because it sure ain’t the last of the last. The last day … Read the rest
What day is it? Before I answer that, see if you know what Boxing Day, First Day of Hanukkah, Proclamation Day, Father’s Day, Christmas Holiday, Bank Holiday, National Day of Thanksgiving, Independence and Unity Day, and Day of Goodwill have … Read the rest
It was about 2,000 years ago. And today doesn’t mark the exact day and time. But that’s another topic for later. Nevertheless some shepherds were on the job, whatever day and time it was. And their job was to watch … Read the rest
I read a short article about human suffering. And it reminded me of some old commercials for the headache product you’ve probably heard of. Bufferin. I remember old commercials from back in the days of black and white TV. Yeah, … Read the rest
For three years I led the praise and worship music in a church in the Denver, Colorado metro area. And the services were held, every Sunday, in the gym of a Christian school. Elgielene and I got to know the … Read the rest
Elias was a carpenter, a building contractor, and a farmer. He moved his family to Kansas City, Missouri way back in the early 1900’s, and gave up the farming part. In Kansas City he bought a paper route and got … Read the rest
Truth sets you free. It just does. It can also get you in a world of hurt. And even tossed into prison. Yes, even in this day and age. And even right here in the good ol’ U S of … Read the rest