It started like this. A made up god, named Woden created the earth and sky from the dead body of a giant named Ymir. Then, he also created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an alder. And … Read the rest
Category Archives: creation science
Back in the Bible days kids walked to school. And some of us had morning prayer, over the loudspeaker, before we headed out from homeroom into the different classes. We also said the “pledge of allegiance.” And it was the … Read the rest
Too bad Neil Young is such a fool when it comes to what’s truly important. Because, over the years, I’ve enjoyed a lot of his music. I remember listening to “Harvest” on my drive back to Texas, after my summer … Read the rest
The article started out with a picture that included this title: “An artist’s illustration traces the long, cosmic path of a fast radio burst that originated in distant galaxies and reached Earth 8 billion years later.” So, right from the … Read the rest
I’ve shared my take on it a few times, over the years, and I’m gonna do that again today. Because I just watched a short video clip of Paul McCartney talking about the magic of music. In case you’re young … Read the rest
OK, I’m gonna get all astronomical on you now. So, if you’re not interested in perspectives about things like astronomy and navigation, you should probably tune me out for now. Because you might glaze over as I gab on about … Read the rest
It’s Sunday morning. So, here’s an obvious question. What do you call it when spirits play ball with a walrus head? Oh wait. Nix that question. What I meant to ask was, what do you call it when supernatural maidens … Read the rest
America has gone from one end of the spectrum to the other when it comes to what is revered. I was born into a country that, while it was already very messed up, still placed a high value on Christian … Read the rest
There’s a hypocrisy paradigm that runs through the thread of human history. And it’s basically that those who either outright hate the very idea of God or those who deny His existence can only re-create what is good in their … Read the rest
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance. It’s all part of God’s plan. And we’re here by design. So, obviously there are no accidents in God’s plan. I agree. We’re here by design. But I disagree, or at … Read the rest
I wrote a rhyme called Face to Face. And it talked about how glorious it’ll be when you see Jesus in person. It WILL be indescribably beautiful and wonderful. Believers will experience all of God’s love for eternity. I also … Read the rest
Well, it’s all over but the whinin’. Yeah, for all intents and purposes, July is done. And is it just me, or does it seem like there were more than a couple of hot days this month? Yeah, probably just … Read the rest