Once upon a time, jellyfish, and trillions of other marine life creatures, were buried alive in layers of sediment. And it happened so fast their bodies didn’t even have time to decompose and smell bad. And thousands of years later … Read the rest
Category Archives: creation science
Once upon a time, and “for billions of years, single-celled creatures had the planet to themselves, floating through the oceans in solitary bliss. Some microorganisms attempted multicellular arrangements, forming small sheets or filaments of cells. But these ventures hit dead … Read the rest
So. There’s this little protoplanet named “Vesta.” And, as it churns out, little Vesta might have some clues as to how life on Earth might have formed? Yeah, scientists discovered some areas of impact on the “minor planet” that seem … Read the rest
Climate changes. It’s always done that. And it always will. Well, until that final climate climax when the whole Earth is consumed in a ball of fire. But not to worry. That probably won’t happen for at least another 1007 … Read the rest
I mentioned this speck of dust over ten years ago. And I joked about the mutants who formed, completely on their own, once some molten goo cooled down enough. Well, I won’t just keep talking about what I talked about … Read the rest
Back when I used to perform, nightly, in an island-themed restaurant, one crowd favorite was a song by Jimmy Buffett. The lyrics talked about volcanoes erupting and what would happen when they do. Words like, “Ground she’s movin’ under me. … Read the rest
I remember Ted Kennedy’s shaky voice, during a eulogy for his brother Robert, as he quoted George Bernard Shaw who said, “Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why … Read the rest
There have been countless times when all it took to open a gate of rhyming reason in my head was a picture of one single object. And that happened a lot, last year, after I stumbled upon a seemingly endless … Read the rest
I shared some stuff a few years ago that bears repeating. Because even though government schools dumb down all who attend, teach in, and run those institutions, humans still have complex capabilities other creatures don’t have. My wife and I … Read the rest
Hey fathead. Yeah, YOU! Don’t get mad. I’m just tellin’ it like it is. Because essentially you’re a fathead. For that matter, so am I. So, were in this together. Of course, I’m talking about that think zone inside your … Read the rest
They’re not scary when you use even a little of the wisdom and discernment your Creator is willing to give you. I’m talking about health headlines. But if you read them without wisdom and discernment, as if they’re actually full-blown … Read the rest
You’re more than matter. And you matter because of that. Not because of the color of your skin. Not because of how much money you have or where you were born. And not because you’re the most perfect specimen ever … Read the rest