Your theory has to pass through interstellar gas First off, what is interstellar gas? And why should anybody care? Well, you might be sorry you asked. But here goes. It’s the “gas in ionic, atomic, and molecular form, as well … Read the rest
Category Archives: creation science
Heavy metals – no, not those long hair guys Cue up Iron Man, movie and song, and let’s rock some heavy metals. Wait. Wait!. Stop the music! No, not heavy metal music, dude. I’m talking about those elements found in … Read the rest
And now for a little geography history Wait! Don’t leave! I know you might be thinking geography history sounds too boring. But I’m not talking about dried up dead stuff. Well, maybe a little dried up. But not dead. So, … Read the rest
Redshift ideas have consequences If you’ve never heard of or looked into the redshift of light from distant stars, or the cosmic microwave background radiation (aka CMB), and the amount of helium in the universe, don’t feel bad. Because it’s not … Read the rest
Is the rising sun essential? As I was doing a little research for my daily writing idea, I looked up how essential sunlight is for good health. Keep in mind, I don’t always use keywords the typical way. Because I’m … Read the rest
Here comes the Big Bang Band Playing on stage in a digital venue near you…let’s hear it for the Big Bang Band! (crowd cheers, applause) And they’ve already announced they’ll be playing all their biggest hits. Songs like: The Last … Read the rest
OK, kids. Who can define the thermodynamics first law? Settle down. Settle down. And Susie, your hand is always up. Let someone else have a turn. Wow, everybody wants to answer. OK, Tommy, tell us. *ahem* “Yes, the thermodynamics first … Read the rest
You don’t have a lizard brain No reptilian brain. Or paleomammalian brain. And certainly no neomammalian brain. (Hey, maybe that’s where they got the Neo character in The Matrix…no, I don’t think so.) Before I go any further, I gotta … Read the rest
Let’s talk about the beginning of everything Because everything had a beginning. Surely we can all agree on that. Right? What?! You mean to tell me there are still people, in this day and age, who believe in perpetual motion … Read the rest
OK, kids. Let’s talk about the Pythagorean Theorem. It actually sounds more complicated than it is. And writing it down certainly makes it look simple. a2 + b2 = c2 But that looks almost a little too simple. After all, it’s … Read the rest
Faith and hearing (even without ears) “Hey, Siri. Find faith and hearing online.” Use that command and phrase on your iPhone or iPad, and Siri will give you some interesting results. Not because Siri heard you. Because Siri can’t actually … Read the rest
It’s time to scatter a little space, time, and matter I haven’t talked about this in a little while. And I love this topic. So, I wanna share a little tidbit about space, time, and matter. I know. Not a … Read the rest